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    Respiratory physiology : the essentials

    Favoris Imprimer

    West, John Burnard 1928-

    8th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    ix, 186 p. : ill.



    1. Structure and function : how the architecture of the lung subserves its function -- 2. Ventilation : how gas gets to the alveoli -- 3. Diffusion : how gas gets across the blood-gas barrier -- 4. Blood flow and metabolism : how the pulmonary circulation removes gas from the lung and alters some metabolites -- 5. Ventilation-perfusion relationships : how matching of gas and blood determines gas exchange -- 6. Gas transport by the blood : how gases are moved to the peripheral tissues -- 7. Mechanics of breathing : how the lung is supported and moved -- 8. Control of ventilation : how gas exchange is regulated -- 9. Respiratory system under stress : how gas exchange is accomplished during exercise, at low and high pressures and at birth -- 10. Tests of pulmonary function : how respiratory physiology is applied to measure lung function

    Widely considered the "gold standard" textbook for respiratory physiology, this compact, concise, and easy-to-read text is now in its fully updated Eighth Edition. New student-friendly features include Key Points boxes at the end of each chapter and review questions and answers.

    Appareil respiratoire - Physiologie

    WF 102 W518r 2008


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    1 WF 102 W518r 2008 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]