The hand
Strickland, James W. / Graham, Thomas J.
2nd edition
Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins
xx, 492 p. : ill.
Master techniques in orthopaedic surgery
1. Open reduction and internal fixation of the tubular bones of the hand -- 2. Closed pinning and bouquet pinning of fractures of the metacarpals -- 3. Open reduction internal fixation: unicondylar fractures of the head of the proximal phalanx -- 4. Hemi hamate resurfacing arthroplasty for salvage of selected fracture dislocations of the PIP joint -- 5. Volar plate arthroplasty for acute and chronic proximal interphalangeal joint fracture/subluxation -- 6. Malunion and nonunion of the phalanges and metacarpals -- 7. Dynamic external fixation for treatment of fracture-dislocations of the proximal interphalangeal joint -- 8. Surgical treatment of acute and chronic incompetence of the thumb metacarpophalangeal joint stabilizers -- 9. Surgical treatment of fractures of the thumb metacarpal base: Bennett's and Rolando's fractures -- 10. Fixation of fractures in the child's hand -- 11. Index pollicization for congenital absence and hypoplasia of the thumb -- 12. Release and reconstruction of digital syndactyly -- 13. Reconstruction of the duplicated thumb -- 14. Tendon transfers for radial nerve paralysis -- 15. Opponensplasty for low median nerve deficit -- 16. Ulnar nerve paralysis -- 17. Repeat decompression of the medial nerve at the wrist with the hypothenar fat pad coverage -- 18. Flexor tendon injuries -- 19. Treatment of the "Jersey finger": repair and reconstruction of FDP avulsion injuries -- 20. Correction of post-traumatic ulnar subluxation of the metacarpophalangeal joint extensor tendon with a dynamic lumbrical tendon transfer -- 21. Staged flexor tendon and pulley reconstruction -- 22. Free tendon grafting -- 23. Capsulectomies of the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints -- 24. Treatment options for distal tip amputation -- 25. Microsurgical repair of soft tissue deficits of the upper extremity: use of the lateral arm flap and the latissimus dorsi free flap -- 26. The reversed radial forearm flap -- 27. Ray amputation with and without digital transposition -- 28. Reconstruction of the partially amputated thumb with metacarpal lengthening -- 29. Silicone metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty -- 30. Small joint fusions -- 31. Reconstruction for boutonniere deformity -- 32. Reconstruction for flexible and fixed swan-neck deformities -- 33. The rheumatoid thumb: evaluation and surgical reconstruction of the swan neck deformity -- 34. Repair of ruptured finger extensors in rheumatoid arthritis -- 35. Subtotal palmar fasciectomy for Dupuytren's contracture -- 36. Decompression and lavage for suppurative flexor tenosynovitis
This acclaimed volume of the Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery series is now in its completely revised and updated Second Edition. The world's foremost hand surgeons describe their preferred techniques in step-by-step detail, explain the indications and contraindications, identify pitfalls and potential complications, and offer pearls and tips for improving results. The book is thoroughly illustrated with full-color, sequential, surgeon's-eye view intraoperative photographs, as well as drawings by noted medical illustrators.
This edition's new co-editor, Thomas J. Graham, MD, is the hand surgery consultant to several professional sports franchises and symphony orchestras. Thirteen new chapters cover repair of fractures and dislocations; release and reconstruction of digital syndactyly; repeat decompression of the medial nerve at the wrist with the hypothemar fat pad coverage; repair of the Jersey finger; centralization of the extensor tendon for acute and chronic subluxation; local flaps for coverage of fingertip tissue loss; microsurgical repair of soft tissue deficits; coverage of tissue defects with pedicled flaps; and reconstruction of the partially amputated thumb with metacarpal lengthening.
Main - Chirurgie / Main - Lésions et blessures - Chirurgie
WE 830 H236 2005
N° | Cote | Localisation | |
1 | WE 830 H236 2005 | Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible] |