Evidence-based medicine : how to practice and teach EBM

Favoris Imprimer

Straus, Sharon E.

4th edition

Elsevier Churchill Livingstone


xvii, 293 p. + 7 fiches


Comprend sept fiches de couleur dans une pochette en page trois de couverture.


Asking answerable clinical questions -- Acquiring the evidence : how to find current best evidence and have current best evidence find us -- Appraising the evidence -- Therapy -- Diagnosis and screening -- Prognosis -- Harm -- Evaluation -- Teaching EBM

Evidence Based Medicine provides a clear explanation of the central questions: how to ask answerable clinical questions; how to translate them into effective searches for the best evidence; how to critically appraise that evidence for its validity and importance; and how to integrate it with patients' values and preferences.

Médecine factuelle / Résolution de problème

WB 102.5 E93 2011


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WB 102.5 E93 2011 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]