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    Psychiatric ethics

    Favoris Imprimer

    Bloch, Sidney / Green, Stephen A.

    4th edition

    Oxford University Press


    xiv, 538 p. : ill.



    Section A : Historical, philosophical and social context
    1. The scope of psychiatric ethics -- 2. A historical perspective -- 3. The philosophical basis of psychiatric ethics -- 4. Narrative ethics -- 5. Values, science and psychiatry -- 6. The nature of professions : implications for psychiatry -- 7. The abuse of psychiatry -- 8. Allocation of mental health resources -- 9. The psychiatrist and the pharmaceutical industry -- 10. Codes of ethics
    Section B : Core issues in psychiatric ethics
    11. Confidentiality -- 12. Involuntary hosptalization and deinstitutionalization -- 13. Suicide -- 14. Boundary violations -- 15. Psychiatric research -- 16. Ethics and psychiatric genetics -- 17. Neuroethics
    Section C : Ethical aspects of clinical psychiatry
    18. Ethical aspects of drug treatment -- 19. Ethical aspects of the psychotherapies -- 20. Ethics and child and adolescent psychiatry -- 21. Ethics and forensic psychiatry -- 23. Ethics in community psychiatry -- 24. Trauma and post traumatic stress disorder -- 25. Consultation-liaison psychiatry

    Ethical issues are pivotal to the practice of psychiatry. Anyone involved in psychiatric practice and mental healthcare has to be aware of the range of ethical issues relevant to their profession. An increased professional commitment to accountability, in parallel with a growing "consumer" movement has paved the way for a creative engagement with the ethical movement.

    The bestselling 'Psychiatric Ethics' has carved out a niche for itself as the major comprehensive text and core reference in the field, covering a range of complex ethical dilemmas which face clinicians and researchers in their everyday practice. This new edition takes a fresh look at recent trends and developments at the interface between ethics and psychiatric practice.

    Coming ten years after the third edition, the editors have observed several emerging aspects of psychiatric practice requiring coverage, as a result, 5 new chapters have been added, including cutting edge topics - such as neuroethics. All other chapters have been fully revised and updated. The book will continue to be essential reading for psychiatrists, psychologists, other mental health professionals, and bioethicists, as well as of interest to policy makers, managers and lawyers.

    Psychiatres - Déontologie / Psychiatres - Responsabilité professionnelle

    WM 62 B651p 1999


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 62 B651p 1999 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]