Resilience interventions for youth in diverse populations
Prince-Embury, Sandra / Saklofke, Donald H.
xix, 475 p.
The Springer series on human exceptionality
Part I : Introduction and general issues
1. Building a science of resilience intervention for youth -- 2. Review of resilience conceptual and assessment issues -- 3. Three-factor model of personal resiliency and related interventions -- 4. Creating resilient mindsets in children and adolescents : a strength-based approach for clinical and nonclinical populations
Part II : Interventions for schools and non-clinical populations
5. Using the FRIENDS programs to promote resilience in cross-cultural populations -- 6. Girls leading outward (GLO) : A school-based leadership intervention to promote resilience for at-risk middle school girls -- 7. Promoting resilience through executive function training for homeless and highly mobile preschoolers -- 8. Bringing a resilience perspective to children in the child welfare system : a curriculum for caregivers -- 9. Building resilience in young children the sesame street way -- 10. Enhancing classroom resilience with classmaps consultation -- 11. Building resilience in three australian high schools, using the resilience doughnut framework -- 12. Resiliency differences between youth in community-based and residential treatment programs : an exploratory analysis -- 13. Resiliency in youth who have been exposed to violence -- 14. A multilevel approach of promoting resilience and positive school climate in the school community during unsettling times
Part III : Interventions for clinical populations
15. Developing social competence through a resilience model -- 16. Promoting resilience in children with intellectual disability : a randomized controlled trial in australian schools -- 17. Resilience-based perspectives for autism spectrum disorder -- 18. "SPARK for learning" : using school-based interventions to build resilience in at-risk youth -- 19. Resilience in pediatric chronic illness : assisting youth at school and home -- 20. Resilience-building interventions with children, adolescents, and their families
Our uncertain times are hard enough for adults to navigate. For all too many young people—even many who appear to possess good coping skills—the challenges may seem overwhelming. More and more, resilience stands as an integral component in prevention programs geared to children and adolescents, whether at risk or not.
Resilience Interventions for Youth in Diverse Populations details successful programs used with children and teens in a wide range of circumstances and conditions, both clinical and non-clinical. New strength-based models clarify the core aspects of resilience and translate them into positive social, health, educational, and emotional outcomes. Program descriptions and case examples cover diverse groups from homeless preschoolers to transgender youth to children with autism spectrum disorders, while interventions are carried out in settings as varied as the classroom and the clinic, the parent group and the playground. This unique collection of studies moves the field toward more consistent and developmentally appropriate application of the science of resilience building.
Résilience chez l'enfant / Résilience chez l'adolescent / Enfants - Psychiatrie
BF 723 P955r 2014
N° | Cote | Localisation | |
1 | BF 723 P955r 2014 | Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible] |