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    Handbook of infant, toddler, and preschool mental health assessment

    Favoris Imprimer

    DelCarmen-Wiggins, Rebecca / Carter, Alice

    Oxford University Press


    xiv, 538 p. : ill.



    1. Introduction
    I : Contextual factors in early assessment
    2. Cultural perspectives for assesing -- 3. Assessment of parent-child early relational disturbances -- 4. Contextual contributors to be assessment of infant mental health
    II : Temperament and regulation in assessing disorders in young children
    5. Assessment of disturbances in emotion regulation and temperament -- 6. The role of sensory reactivity in understanding infant temperament
    III : Diagnostic issues relating to classification and taxonomy
    7. Psychiatric diagnosis in preschool children -- 8. Diagnosing infants, toddlers, and preschoolers : the Zero to three diagnostic classification of early mental health disorders -- 9. Empirically based assessment and taxonomy : applications to infants and toddlers
    IV : Measurement issues
    10. Integrating clinical and psychometric approaches : developmental assessment and the infant mental health evaluation -- 11. Observation in infant-toddler mental health assessment -- 12. The preschool age psychiatric assessment (PAPA) : a structured parent interview for diagnosing psychiatric disorders in preschool children
    V : Problems in early development and state regulation : assessing disorders with an onset in infancy or toddlerhood
    13. Sensory modulation dysfunction : identification in early childhood -- 14. Sleep disorders -- 15. The diagnostic assessment and classification of feeding disorders
    VI : Specific areas of disturbance : applying diagnostic criteria to disorders with an onset in the preschool years
    16. Clinical assessment of young children at risk for autism -- 17. Affective disorders -- 18. Anxiety disorders -- 19. Posttraumatic stress disorder -- 20. Diagnostic and assessment issues of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the young child -- 21. Assessment of disruptive behavior in young children : a clinical-developmental framework
    VII : Varied applied settings for assessment
    22. Expanding the scope of infant mental health assessment : a community-based model -- 23. Early detection of young children's mental health problems in primary care settings -- 24. Games children play : observing young children's self-regulation across laboratory, home, and school settings

    The handbook of infant, toddler, and preschool mental health assessment brings together, for the first time, leading clinical researchers to provide empirically based recommendations for assessment of social-emotional and behavior problems and disorders in the earliest years. Each author presents state-of-the-art information on scientifically valid, developmentally based clinical assessments and makes recommendations based on the integration of developmental theory, empirical findings, and clinical experience. Though the field of mental health assessment in infants and young children lags behind work with older children and adults, recent scientific advances, including new measures and diagnostic approaches, have led to dramatic growth in the fiels. The editors of this exciting new work have assembled an extraordinary collection of chapters that thoroughly discuss the conceptualizations of dysfunction in infants and young children, current and new diagnostic criteria, and such specific disorders as sensory modulation dysfunction, sleep disorders, eating and feeding disorders, autistic spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and ADHD. Chapters further highlight the importance of incorporating contextual factors such as parent-child relationship functioning and cultural background into the assessment process to increase the validity of findings. Given the comprehensiveness of this ground-breaking c=volume in reviewing coneptual, methodological, and research advances on early identification, diagnosis, and clinical assessment of disorders in this young age group, it will be an ideal resource ofr teachers, researchers, and a wide variety of clinicians including child psychologists, child psychiatrists, early intervention providers, early special educators, social workers, family physicians, and pediatricians,

    Psychodiagnostics / Maladies mentales - Diagnostic / Analyse comportementale des enfants / Enfants - Psychiatrie

    WS 350 D345h 2004


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350 D345h 2004 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]