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    Neuroepidemiology : from principles to practice

    Favoris Imprimer

    Nelson, Lorene M. / Tanner, Caroline M. / Van Den Eeden, Stephen K. / Mcguire, Valerie M.

    Oxford University Press


    xvi, 461 p. : ill.



    I : Principles of epidemiologic and clinical research
    1. Neuroepidemiology : fundamental considerations -- 2. Study design, measures of effect, and sources of bias -- 3. Measurement and analysis -- 4. Genetic epidemiology of neurologic disease
    II : Epidemiology of neurologic disorders
    5. Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia -- 6. Movement disorders -- 7. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis -- 8. Multiple sclerosis -- 9. Stroke -- 10. Brain and spinal cord injury -- 11. Peripheral neuropathy -- 12. Epilepsy -- 13. Migraine and tension-type headache -- 14. Intracranial neoplasms -- 15. Neurodevelopmental disabilities
    III : Clinical epidemiology
    16. Prognosis of neurologic diseases -- 17. Clinical trials in neurology -- 18. Health services research in neurology -- 19. Evidence-based medicine in neurology

    The fine text provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of research methods for conducting epidemiologic and clinical research on neurologic conditions. It is aimed at neurologists, epidemiologists, and public health professionnals, as well as students of these disciplines. The book has three parts, each emphasizing the unique aspects of studying neurologic disorders. The first focuses on classic principles of epidemiologic and clinical research, including study design, sources of study bias, and methods for assessing the role of environmental and genetic factors in neurologic disorders. The second part covers each of the major neurologic disorders, with an emphasis on the methodologic aspects of studying these disorders and discussion of future research directions. The third part is devoted to clinical and translational research methods, including the design and conduct of clinical trials and prognostic studies, as well as the principles of health services research and evidence-based medicine. This textbook will give neurologists, epidemiologists, and their students the foundation for conducting rigorous epidemiologic and clinical research on neurologic disorders, and for interpreting the literature in this field.

    Système nerveux - Maladies / Épidémiologie

    WL 140 N491 2004


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WL 140 N491 2004 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]