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    Specialty competencies in clinical child and adolescent psychology

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    Finch, A. J. (Alfred J.) 1944- / Lochman, John E. (John Edward) / Nelson, C. Michael (Charles Michael) 1941- / Roberts, Michael C.

    Oxford University Press


    xii, 258 p. : ill.

    Series in specialty competencies in professional psychology



    Part I : Introduction to clincal child and adolescent practice in professionnal psychology
    1. Clinical child and adolescent psychology : specialty definitions and historical foundations -- 2. Conceptual and scientific foundations of clinical child and adolescent psychology
    Part II : Functional competency : assessment
    3. Clinical assessment of children, adolescents, and their families -- 4. Case formulation models with children, adolescents, and their families
    Part III : Functional competency : intervention
    5. Clinical child and adolescent intervention strategies
    Part IV : Other functional competencies
    6. Consultation in clincal child and adolescent psychology -- 7. Supervision and teaching
    V : Foundational competencies
    8. Ethical issues when working with children and adolescents -- 9. Interpersonal and cultural competencies -- 10. Professional identification in clinical child and adolescent psychology

    The specialty of clinical child and adolescent psychology has a history that dates back to the turn of the century when the first psychological clinic for children was reportedly established. As it is currently applied, this broad and wide-ranging specialty took organizational shape from the 1960s through the 1990s, and today child and adolescent psychology shares many characteristics and plays a collaborative role other specialties within professional psychology. These include clinical psychology, cognitive and behavioral psychology, school psychology, and clinical health psychology.

    In this volume, Dr. Finch and his co-authors provide a comprehensive demonstration of the competencies involved in this specialty, extending far beyond the scope of the age of its identified patient population. Offering an evidence-based best practices model of intervention informed by an integration of multiple professional competencies from a range of other specialty areas, this book is an invaluable resource for all those interested in pursuing the clinical child and adolescent specialty practice.

    Series in Specialty Competencies in Professional Psychology

    As the field of psychology continues to grow and new specialty areas emerge and achieve recognition, it has become increasingly important to define the standards of professional specialty practice.

    Developed and conceived in response to this need for practical guidelines, this series presents methods, strategies, and techniques for conducting day-to-day practice in any given psychology specialty. The topical volumes address best practices across the functional and foundational competencies that characterize the various psychology specialties, including clinical psychology, cognitive and behavioral psychology, school psychology, geropsychology, forensic psychology, clinical neuropsychology, couples and family psychology, and more.

    Enfants - Psychologie clinique

    WS 350 F492s 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350 F492s 2012 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]