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    Interpreting epidemiologic evidence : strategies for study design and analysis

    Favoris Imprimer

    Savitz, David A.

    Oxford University Press


    xi, 321 p. : ill.



    1. Introduction -- 2. The nature of epidemiologic evidence -- 3. Strategy for drawing inferences from epidemiologic evidence -- 4. Selection bias in cohort studies -- 5. Selction bias in case-control sutdies -- 6. Bias due to loss of study participants -- 7. Confounding -- 8. Measurement and classification of exposure -- 9. Measurement and classification of dease -- 10. Random error -- 11. Integration of evidence across studies -- 12. Characterization of conclusions

    Evaluating the strenfth or persuasiveness of epidemiologic evidence ininherently challenging, both for those new to the field and for experienced researchers. There are myriad potential biases to consider, but little guidance about how to assess the likely impact on study results. This book offers a strategy for assessing epidemiologic study findings, explicitly describing the goals and products of epidemiolgic research in order to better evaluate its successes and limitations. The focus throughout is on practical tools for making optimal use of available data to assess whether hypothesized biases are operative and to anticipate concerns at the point of study design in order to ensure that needed information is generated, Specific tools for assessing the presence and impact of selection bias in both cohort and case-control studies, bias from non-response, confounding , exposure measurement error, disease measurement error, and random error, are identified and evaluated. The potential value of each approach and its limitations are discussed, using examples from te published literature. Such information should help those who generate and interpret epidemiolgic research to apply methodological principles more effectively to substantive issues, leading to a more accurate appraisal of the current evidence and greater clarity about research needs.

    Épidémiologie / Erreurs systématiques

    WA 950 S267i 2003


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WA 950 S267i 2003 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]