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    Handbook of personality disorders : theory, research and treatment

    Favoris Imprimer

    Livesley, W. John

    Guilford Press


    xiv, 626 p.



    1. Conceptual and taxonomic issues -- 2. Theoretical perspectives -- 3. Official classification systems -- 4. Co-occurrence with syndrome disorders -- 5. Epidemiology -- 6. Biological and treatment correlates -- 7. A neurobehavioral dimensional model -- 8. Genetics -- 9. Attachment -- 10. Psychosocial adversity / Joel Paris -- 11. Can personality change? -- 12. Natural history and long-term outcome -- 13. Assessment instruments -- 14. Personality assessment in clinical practice -- 15. Psychosocial treatment outcome -- 16. Supportive psychotherapy -- 17. Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy / Glen O. Gabbard. -- 18. Cognitive therapy / Jean Cottraux and Ivy-Marie Blackburn -- 19. Cognitive analytic therapy -- 20. Using interpersonal theory to select effective treatment interventions -- 21. Dialectical behavior therapy / Clive J. Robins, Andre M. Ivanoff and Marsha M. Linehan -- 22. Psychoeducational approaches / Ana M. Ruiz-Sancho, George W. Smith and John G. Gunderson -- 23. Pharmacotherapy -- 24. Group psychotherapy -- 25. Partial hospitalization programs -- 26. Treatment of personality disorders in association with symptom disorders -- 27. Forensic issues -- 28. A framework for an integrated approach to treatment.

    This major reference and text provides the authoritative account of current knowledge on personality disorders, including vital information to guide clinical decision making. Bringing together preeminent authorities in the field, the Handbook synthesizes contemporary thinking about the classification, etiologies, and development of these complex disorders. Diagnostic issues are considered in depth, and available assessment instruments are reviewed and evaluated. The work provides in-depth coverage of all commonly used psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatments, with particular attention to the empirical evidence for each approach. Special topics addressed include different treatment modalities, such as day programs and group therapy, and forensic issues.

    Troubles de la personnalité - Guides, manuels, etc. / Troubles de la personnalité - Traitement / Troubles de la personnalité - Étiologie / Troubles de la personnalité

    WM 190 H236 2001


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 190 H236 2001 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]