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    Chronic medical disease and cognitive aging : toward a helathy body and brain

    Favoris Imprimer

    Yaffe, Kristine

    Oxford University Press


    xv, 298 p.: ill.



    1. Epidemiological insights into blood pressure and cognitive disorders -- 2. Cholesterol, statins, and late-life cognitive disorders -- 3. Cardiovascular disease and cognitive aging -- 4. Obesity and cognitive health : implications of an altered adiposity milieu over the lifecourse -- 5. Insulin resistance and pathological brain aging -- 6. Metabolic syndrome, other composite vascular risk scores, and cognitive impairment -- 7. Chronic kidney disease and cognitive
    aging -- 8. Sleep disorders and cognitive function in older adults -- 9. Physical activity and cognitive aging -- 10. Dietary patterns and dementia pascale -- 11. Inflammation and cognitive decline -- 12. HIV infection and aging : an emerging chronic medical illness -- 13. Postoperative delirium and cognitive decline.

    Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging: Toward a Healthy Body and Brain explores the important and often overlooked connection between how chronic medical diseases of the body can affect cognitive function and brain health. As population demographics shift to that of an aging population it has become more important to understand and improve cognitive function in late life. Chronic medical diseases often increase the risk of cognitive impairment, and those with cognitive impairment may be less able to effectively manage their medical conditions, suggesting a reciprocal relationship may exist where medical disease impacts cognition that in turn may exacerbate physical health.

    Chronic Medical Disease and Cognitive Aging discusses current research on the association between a variety of chronic medical diseases and cognition and, where appropriate, promising interventions or accepted treatment strategies. While a cure for many diseases continues to be elusive, insights garnered from the interplay between diseases of the body and mind may help point the way to novel therapeutic strategies to improve cognitive function in late life.

    Maladies chroniques / Vieillissement - Aspect physiologique / Cognition - Aspect physiologique

    WT 500 Y12c 2013


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WT 500 Y12c 2013 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]