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    Tourette syndrome

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    Martino, Davide (Éditeur intellectuel) / Leckman, James F. (Éditeur intellectuel)

    Oxford University Press


    xx, 692 p. : ill.



    Section one : Clinical pheno-menology and epidemiology
    1. Phenomenology of tics and sensory urges : the self under siege -- 2. The phenomenology of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Tourette Syndrome -- 3. The phenomenology of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Tourette Syndrome -- 4. Other psychiatric comorbidities in Tourette Syndrome -- 5. Clinical course and adult outcome in Tourette Syndrome -- 6. The prevalence of Tourette syndrome and its relationship to clinical features
    Section two : Etiology
    7. Genetic susceptibility in Tourette Syndrome -- 8. Perinatal adversities and Tourette Syndrome -- 9. Infections and tic disorders
    Section three : Pathophysiology
    10. Cellular and molecular pathology in Tourette Syndrome -- 11. Electrophysiology in Tourette Syndrome -- 12. Neurobiology and functional anatomy of tic disorders -- 13. The neurochemistry of Tourette Syndrome -- 14. Immunity and stress response in Tourette Syndrome -- 15. Animal models of tics
    Section four : diagnosis and assessment
    16. Whither the relationship between etiology and phenotype in Tourette Syndrome? -- 17. The differential diagnosis of tic disorders -- 18. Comprehensive assessment strategies -- 19. Clinical rating instruments in Tourette Syndrome -- 20. Neuropsychological assessment in Tourette Syndrome -- 21. Social and adaptive functioning in Tourette Syndrome
    Section five : Treatment
    22. Psychoeducational interventions : what every parent and family member needs to know -- 23. Cognitive-behavioral treatment for tics -- 24. Pharmacological treatment of tics -- 25. Treatment of psychiatic comorbidities in Tourette syndromes -- 26. Surgical treatment of Tourette Syndrome -- 27. Alternative treatments in Tourette Syndrome
    Section six : Resources and support
    28. Information and social support for patients and families -- 29. Information and support for educators -- 30. Tourette Syndrome support organizations around the world

    Tourette syndrome (TS) is finally recognized as a common neurodevelopmental disorder, and has gained increasingly high social awareness and scientific interest worldwide. Knowledge of its clinical presentation, mechanisms of disease, and available treatment approaches has increased remarkably over the last decade. Likewise, the way clinicians, teachers, social care workers and families face the problems manifested by patients with TS is rapidly evolving. Tourette Syndrome, edited by Davide Martino and James F. Leckman, offers a unique opportunity to capture this interesting momentum through a comprehensive and up-to-date overview.

    Tourette Syndrome covers of all the main aspects related to TS, analyzing the complexity of its clinical presentation, the novel viewpoints of causes and mechanisms, the best way to assess TS patients, and the multifaceted and multidisciplinary treatment options. The multidisciplinary and up-to-date content is the main asset of this volume, which represents a useful source of consultation for a wide audience of professionals, all of whom will have access to what is known so far on TS within their particular area of expertise, at the same time being able to expand and update their knowledge in other areas. Medical and PhD students, as well as post-doctoral scientists, will be able to use the volume as a valuable learning source. Also, questions for future research are clearly presented in the volume, providing a summary of the viewpoint of the contributing authors upon where research on TS should be heading. Finally, clinicians and other health professionals will have access at a glance to the main patients' associations and organizations dedicated to TS worldwide, which can facilitate the direct contact with patients.

    Maladie de Gilles de la Tourette

    WM 197 M386t 2013


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    1 WM 197 M386t 2013 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]