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    Transdiagnostic treatments for children and adolescents : principles and practice

    Favoris Imprimer

    Ehrenreich-May, Jill / Chu, Brian C.

    Guilford Press




    Part I : Introduction
    1. Overview of transdiagnostic mechanisms and treaments for youth psychopathology -- 2. Transdiagnostic mechanisms and treatments for youth with psychiatric disorders : an opportunity to catapult progress?
    Part II : Transdiagnotic processes
    3. Stress and coping in child and adolescent psychopathology -- 4. Cgnitive biases in child psychopathology -- 5. Behavioral avoidance across child and adolescent psychopathology -- 6. The role of peer relationships in youth psychopathology -- 7. Mindful parenting in the development and maintenance of youth psychopathology
    Part III : Transdiagnostic conceptualizations of traditional individual therapies for youth
    8. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with children and adolescents -- 9. Interpersonal psychotherapy for youth depression and anxiety -- 10. Dialectical behavior therapy for emotion dysregulation -- 11. Acceptance and commitment therapy
    Part IV : Transdiagnostic treatment approaches
    12. The unified protocols for the treatment of emotional disorders in children and adolescents -- 13. Beyond disruptive behavior disorder diagnoses : applications of the coping power program -- 14. Multisystemic therapy -- 15. Integrated treatment of traumatic stress and substance abuse problems among adolescents -- 16. Family-based treatment for adolescent eating disorders -- 17. Unified protocol for youth with chronic pain in pediatric medical settings
    Part V : Conclusions and future directions
    18. Transdiagnostic treatments : issues and commentary -- 19. Transdiagnostic research and treatment in youth : revolution or evolution?

    This volume presents cutting-edge advances in case conceptualization and intervention for children and adolescents, who typically present for mental health treatment with multiple, overlapping problems. Leading clinician-researchers examine common processes—including stress and coping, attention and interpretation biases, avoidant behaviors, and peer and family interactions—that underlie the development and maintenance of diverse forms of psychopathology. They describe exemplary treatments that target these processes and can be used across diagnostic categories. Chapters on specific treatment protocols address the theoretical foundations, clinical strategies used, which patient populations each treatment is suitable for, and the status of the empirical evidence base.

    Enfants - Psychologie clinique / Enfants - Psychopathologie / Adolescents - Psychopathologie

    WS 350 E33t 2014


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350 E33t 2014 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]