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    ADHD in adolescents : diagnosis and treatment

    Favoris Imprimer

    Robin, Arthur L. / Barkley, Russell A. (Préfacier) 1949-

    Guilford Press


    xviii, 461 p. : ill.



    Section I : Definitions, descriptions, and theory
    1. Definitions and diagnostic criteria -- 2. Follow-up studies and theoretical models
    Section II : Evaluation and diagnosis
    3. Medical evaluation and rating scales -- 4. Interviewing and determining comorbidities/differential diagnoses -- 5. Cognitive testing, educational impairment, and laboratory/observational measures -- 6. Integration of data
    Section III : Treatment
    7. Educating families about ADHD -- 8. Medical interventions -- 9. Enhancing academic success -- 10. Parenting and family interventions -- 11. Family and home management techniques -- 12. Restoring parental control and other structural interventions -- 13. Phasing out and follow-up -- 14. Two adolescents tell their stories

    This practical guide presents an empirically based "nuts-and-bolts" approach to understanding, diagnosing, and treating ADHD in adolescents. Balancing research and theory with detailed case examples, Arthur Robin takes readers through each step of his structured intervention program. Easy-to-follow guidelines illustrate the program's integration of educational, medical, and psychological components. The book contains numerous reproducible handouts and forms, including requisite rating scales and detailed checklists for evaluating ADHD, developing treatment plans, and monitoring psychological, behavioral, family, and academic progress." "This book meets a crucial need for mental health practitioners in private practice, school, community and managed care settings. It will also prove to be an indispensable text for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in adolescent psychology, psychopathology, and treatment.

    Hyperactivité chez l'adolescent / Adolescents - Psychopathologie / Trouble déficitaire de l'attention / Adolescents / Adolescence

    WS 350.8.A8 R655 1998


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 350.8.A8 R655 1998 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]