Infective endocarditis : a multidisciplinary approach
Kilic, Arman (Éditeur intellectuel)
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1. Epidemiology and pathophysiology of infective endocarditis -- 2. General approach to the clinical diagnosis of endocarditis -- 3. Microbiology of endocarditis -- 4. Echocardiographic assessment of infectious endocarditis -- 5. Other imaging in the assessment of infective endocarditis -- 6. Prophylaxis and prevention of infective endocarditis -- 7. Antimicrobial therapy in infective endocarditis -- 8. Preoperative care of the critically ill endocarditis patient -- 9. Postoperative care of the critically ill endocarditis patient -- 10. Neurologic complications of infective endocarditis -- 11. Psychiatric considerations in patients with intravenous drug use and endocarditis -- 12. Endocarditis related to cardiovascular implantable devices -- 13. Outpatient follow-up and management of infective endocarditis -- 14. Timing and indications for surgery
15. Surgery for right-sided infective endocarditis -- 16. Surgery for native mitral valve endocarditis -- 17. Surgery for native aortic valve infective endocarditis -- 18. Surgery for aortic root abscess -- 19. Complex multivalve operations for infective endocarditis -- 20. Timing of surgical intervention following acute stroke from infective endocarditis -- 21. Ethical controversies related to the care of an intravenous drug abuser with endocarditis -- 22. Multidisciplinary service delivery for the endocarditis patient -- 23. Future directions in infective endocarditis
Infective Endocarditis: A Multidisciplinary Approach provides a comprehensive review of infective endocarditis and covers the entire spectrum of medical care for these challenging patients. It covers the ever-increasing scope of the problem, including epidemiology, as well as diagnostic work-up, microbiology, medical therapy, and surgical therapy for this disease. The book also addresses the opioid epidemic and rising infective endocarditis incidence in this population. Each type of practitioner can use this book as a definitive resource in reviewing aspects of care related to the endocarditis patient. This book will also serve as an updated resource to provide recent evidence regarding the management of these patients, as well as author perspectives and approaches to tackling the often complex and challenging issues revolving around care of the endocarditis patient. This is an essential reference and an authoritative source for infective endocarditis and provide physicians, nurses, social workers, and everyone who is routinely involved in the care of these patients.