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    Feigenbaum's echocardiography

    Favoris Imprimer

    Armstrong, William F. / Ryan, Thomas

    7th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xv, 785 p. : ill. + 1 DVD

    9780781795579 (série)


    1. History of echocardiography -- 2. Physics and instrumentation -- 3. Specialized echocardiographic techniques and methods -- 4. Contrast echocardiography -- 5. The echocardiographic examination -- 6. Evaluation of systolic function of the left ventricle -- 7. Evaluation of left ventricular diastolic function -- 8. Left and right atrium and right ventricle -- 9. Hemodynamics -- 10. Pericardial diseases -- 11. Aortic valve disease -- 12. Mitral valve disease -- 13. Tricuspid and pulmonary valves -- 14. Infective endocarditis -- 15. Prosthetic valves -- 16. Echocardiography and coronary artery disease -- 17. Stress echocardiography -- 18. Dilated cardiomyopathies -- 19. Hypertrophic and other cardiomyopathies -- 20. Congenital heart diseases -- 21. Diseases of the aorta -- 22. ICU and operative/perioperative applications -- 23. Masses, tumors and source of embolus -- 24. Echocardiography in systemic disease and clinical problem solving

    The thoroughly revised Seventh Edition of Feigenbaum's Echocardiography reflects recent changes in the technology and clinical use of echocardiography. Highlights include over 1,600 illustrations, 600 in full color; detailed discussions on the use of three-dimensional echocardiography and perfusion imaging; and new information on the mechanics and utility of Strain and Strain rate imaging. Many new images complement the state-of-the-art information on technological advances.


    WG 141.5.E2 A739f 2010


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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    1 WG 141.5.E2 A739f 2010 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]