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    The Wills eye manual : office and emergency room diagnosis and treatment of eye disease

    Favoris Imprimer

    Gerstenblith, Adma T. / Rabinowitz, Michael P.

    6th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xix, 471 p. : ill.



    1. Differential diagnosis of ocular symptomes -- 2. Differential diagnosis of ocular signs -- 3. Trauma -- 4. Cornea -- 5. Conjunctiva / Sclera / Iris / External disease -- 6. Eyelid -- 7. Orbit -- 8. Pediatrics -- 9. Glaucoma -- 10. Neuro-ophthalmology -- 11. Retina -- 12. Uveitis -- 13. General ophthalmic problems -- 14. Imaging modalities in ophthalmology
    Appendices : 1. Dilating drops -- 2. Tetanus prophylaxis -- 3. Cover/uncover and alternate cover tests -- 4. Amsler grid -- 5. Seidel test to detect a wound leak -- 6. Forced-duction test and active force generation test -- 7. Technique for diagnostic probing and irrigation of the lacrimal system -- 8. Corneal culture procedure -- 9. Fortified topical antibiotics antifungals -- 10. Technique for retrobulbar subtenon/subconjunctival injections -- 11. Intravitreal tap and inject -- 12. Intravitreal antibiotics -- 13. Anterior chamber paracentesis -- 14. Angle classification -- 15. Yag laser peripheral iridotomy -- 16. YAG capsulotomy

    Completely revised, this 6th edition of The Wills Eye Manual: Office And Emergency Room Diagnosis And Treatment Of Eye Disease is the perfect guide for all clinicians who treat eye disorders.

    Written in a concise outline format, this easy-to-read, pocket-sized reference is perfect for diagnosis and management of hundreds of ocular conditions. From symptom to treatment it covers every ocular disorder likely to be encountered in an office, emergency room, or hospital setting.

    Yet even though it's small enough to fit in a pocket, this book provides the most accurate and current information on over 200 ophthalmic conditions. It even includes the results of some of the most recent major clinical trials — including those related to the care of patients with macular degeneration and retinal vein occlusion.


    • Chapters thoroughly updated and streamlined to make room for new and expanded topics
    • Recent major clinical trials data included on care of patients with macular degeneration and retinal vein occlusion
    • Updates in the management of orbital fractures, eyelid lacerations, strabismus, amblyopia, and ocular malignancies
    • New high definition photographs of external, anterior segment, and posterior segment disease processes
    • Imaging modalities updated, especially optical coherence tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and ultrasound biomicroscopy.

    Oeil - Maladies - Guides, manuels, etc. / Urgences en ophtalmologie - Guides, manuels, etc.

    WW 39 W741 2012


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    1 WW 39 W741 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]