Caring for patients at the end of life : facing an uncertain future together

Favoris Imprimer

Quill, Timothy E.

Oxford University Press


xiv, 248 p.



1. Same old seventeen-dollar lamps -- 2. Humanistic end-of-life care -- 3. Death and dignity : a case of individualized decision making -- 4. Partnerships in the care of the dying -- 5. Nonabandonment : a central obligation of physicians -- 6. Delivering bad news -- 7. Discussing palliative care with patients -- 8. Palliative care for patients with severe dementia : a consensus-based approach to decision making -- 9. "Doctor, I want to die! Will you help me?" -- 10. Hospice and palliative care : clinical, ethical and policy challenges -- 11. The rule of double effect : a critique of its role in end-of-life decision making -- 12. Palliative options of last resort : a comparison of practices, justifications and safeguards -- 13. End-of-life care in the Netherlands and the United States : a comparison of values, justifications and practices
Epilogue : All about my brother

In Caring for Patients at the End of Life: Facing an Uncertain Future Together, Dr. Quill uses his wide range of clinical experience caring for severely ill patients and their families to illustrate the challenges and potential of end-of-life care. Section one utilizes the near death experiences of two patients to explore values underlying medical humanism, and then presents the case of "Diane" to explore the fundamental clinical commitments of partnership and non-abandonment. Section two explores, illustrates, and provides practical guidance for clinicians, patients, and families about critical communication issues including delivering bad news, discussing palliative care, and exploring the wish to die. In section three, difficult ethical and policy challenges inherent in hospice work, including the rule of double effect, terminal sedation, and physician-assisted suicide, are explored using a mix of real cases and an analysis of underlying clinical, ethical, and policy issues. In a final chapter, Dr. Quill discusses the tragic death of his brother which occurred as this book was being completed, and how his family made the most emotionally challenging decisions of their lives. Dr. Quill exposes readers to an internally consistent and practical way of thinking by simultaneously embracing the potential of palliative care, and also acknowledging that it has limitations. His philosophy of offering forthright discussions with patient and family, mutual decision-making, ensuring medical and palliative care expertise and of committing to see the dying process through to the patient's death is vividly illustrated.

Soins en phase terminale / Soins palliatifs / Relations médecin-patient

WB 310 Q6c 2001


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WB 310 Q6c 2001 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]