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    Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice

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    Nettina, Sandra M.

    11th edition

    Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins


    1 ressource en ligne




    1. Neural sciences -- 2. Neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology -- 3. Contributions of the psychological sciences -- 4. Contributions of the social sciences -- 5. Quantitative and experimental methods in psychiatry -- 6. Theories of personality and psychopathology -- 7. Diagnosis and psychiatry: examination of the psychiatric patient -- 8. Clinical manifestations of psychiatric disorders -- 9. Classification in psychiatry -- 10. Neurocognitive disorders -- 11. Substance-related disorders -- 12. Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders -- 13. Mood disorders – 14. Anxiety disorders -- 15. Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders -- 16. Pathological and problem gambling (gambling disorder) -- 17. Post-traumatic stress disorder -- 18. Somatic symptom and related disorders -- 19. Factitious disorder -- 20. Dissociative disorders -- 21. Normal sexuality and sexual disorders -- 22. Feeding and eating disorders -- 23. Sleep disorders -- 24. Impulse-control disorders -- 25. Adjustment disorders -- 26. Personality disorders -- 27. Psychosomatic medicine -- 28. Additional conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention -- 29. Culture-bound syndromes -- 30. The neuropsychiatry of human aggression -- 31. Special areas of interest -- 32. Psychiatric emergencies -- 33. Psychotherapies -- 34. Biological therapies -- 35. Child psychiatry -- 36. Child psychiatric examination -- 37. Genetics in child psychiatry -- 38. Neuroimaging in psychiatric disorders of childhood -- 39. Temperament: risk and protective factors for child psychiatric disorders -- 40. Intellectual disability -- 41. Specific learning disorder -- 42. Developmental coordination disorder -- 43. Communication disorders -- 44. Autism spectrum disorder and social communication disorder -- 45. Attention-deficit disorders -- 46. Disruptive behavior disorders in children and adolescents -- 47. Feeding and eating disorders of infancy and early childhood -- 48. Tic disorders -- 49. Elimination disorders -- 50. Other disorders of infancy, childhood, and adolescence -- 51. Mood disorders in children and adolescents -- 52. Anxiety disorders in children -- 53. Early-onset psychotic disorders -- 54. Child psychiatry: psychiatric treatment -- 55. Child psychiatry: special areas of interest -- 56. Adulthood -- 57. Geriatric psychiatry -- 58. Public psychiatry -- 59. Psychiatric education -- 60. Ethics and forensic psychiatry -- 61. History of psychiatry -- 62. World aspects of psychiatry

    The cornerstone text in the field for 50 years, Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry has consistently kept pace with the rapid growth of research and knowledge in neural science, as well as biological and psychological science. This two-volume Tenth Edition shares the expertise of over 600 renowned contributors who cover the full range of psychiatry and mental health, including neural science, genetics, neuropsychiatry, psychopharmacology, and other key areas. It remains the gold standard of reference for all those who work with the mentally ill, including psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, psychiatric social workers, psychiatric nurses, and other mental health professionals.
    New authors bring a fresh perspective to many topics, keeping you at the forefront of current developments in the field.
    Thoroughly updated coverage of neural sciences, with new sections on epigenetics, the microbiome, systems neuroscience, the Human Connectome Project, neurodevelopment, and many more.
    Extensively revised sections on schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, geriatric psychiatry and neurocognitive disorders.
    Uniquely comprehensive information of psychosomatic medicine, including chapters on obesity, chronic pain, and psychiatric sequella of critical illness.
    Timely information on public and global psychiatry, biological therapies, and psychotherapies.
    “Text within a text” coverage of child psychiatry includes thorough information on neuroimaging, assessment, genetics, sleep disorders, and the impact on parents of raising a psychiatrically disabled child.
    Abundant case histories add clarity and represent the vast clinical experiences and wisdom of hundreds of contributing authors.

    Soins infirmiers - Guides, manuels, etc.

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