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    Essentials of otolaryngology

    Favoris Imprimer

    Lucente, Frank E. / Har-El, Gady

    5th edition

    Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins


    xix, 504 p. : ill



    Thoroughly revised and updated for its Fifth Edition, this handy pocket manual presents step-by-step guidelines on patient workup, differential diagnosis, and therapy for more than 40 symptoms occurring in the head and neck region. The authors outline current treatment recommendations and offer primary care physicians advice on indications for referral. Also included are chapters on anatomy and physiology, history taking, physical examination, occupational medicine, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and pediatric, adolescent, and geriatric otolaryngology, as well as an introduction to outcome analysis and office-based clinical research. This edition features several new chapters, including pain management and use of lasers in otolaryngology.


    WV 140 E78 2004


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WV 140 E78 2004 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]