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    Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder : a practical guide

    Favoris Imprimer

    Bateman, Anthony / Fonagy, Peter 1952-

    Oxford University Press


    xv, 188 p. : ill.



    1. Introduction to mentalization -- 2. Using the mentalization model to understand severe personality disorder -- 3. Changing views of borderline personality disorder -- 4. The structure of mentalization-based treatment -- 5. Assessment of mentalization -- 6. Assessment of interpersonal and relational world -- 7. Therapist stance -- 8. Principles of interventions -- 9. The mentalizing focus and basic interventions -- 10. Mentalizing and group therapy -- 11. Frequently asked questions

    Mentalization-based treatment for borderline personality disorder outlines clinically proven treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, contains illustrative clinical examples, and explains how to treat borderline patients by helping them develop a more robust mentalizing capacity within the context of an attachment relationship, whilst addressing how to practise mentalizing treatment in day patient and out-patient settings.

    État-limite (Psychiatrie) / État-limite (Psychiatrie) - Traitement

    WM 190 B328m 2006


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WM 190 B328m 2006 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]