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    Green's child and adolescent clinical psychopharmacology

    Favoris Imprimer

    Klykylo, William M. / Bowers, Rick / Weston, Christina / Jackson, Julia

    5th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xiii, 413 p.



    Section one
    1. Introduction -- 2. General principles of psychopharmacotherapy with children and adolescents
    Section Two
    3. Introduction -- 4. Sympathomimetic amines, central nervous system stimulants, and executive function agents -- 5. First-generation/typical antipsychotic drugs -- 6. Second-generation/atypical and other antipsychotic drugs -- 7. Antidepressant drugs -- 8. Mood stabilizers : lithium carbonate and antiepileptics -- 9. Antianxiety drugs -- 10. Other drugs

    The ideal quick reference for the busy mental health clinician seeing younger patients, the Fifth Edition of Green's Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopathology has been fully revised by a new team of authors active in clinical practice and resident education. A trusted reference in the field, Green's continues to provide practical and balanced information on the full range of medications used to treat mental health disorders in children and adolescents.

    Psychopharmacologie de l'adolescence / Psychopharmacologie pédiatrique

    WS 350.2 G795 2014


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    1 WS 350.2 G795 2014 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]