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    Contemporary psychodynamic psychotherapy for children and adolescents : integrating intersubjectivity and neuroscience

    Favoris Imprimer

    Delgado, Sergio V. / Strawn, Jeffrey R. / Pedapati, Ernest V.



    xxx, 373 p. : iil.



    1. Introduction -- 2. Traditional one-person psychology -- 3. Two-erson relational psychology for the child and adolescent relational psychotherapist -- 4. Key pioneers of two-erson relational psychology -- 5. Key concepts in two-person relational psychology -- 6. Deconstruction of tradional one-erson psychology concepts -- 7. The neurodevelopmental and neurofunctional basis of intersubjectivity -- Putting it all together : the four pillars of the contemporary diagnostic interview -- 9. Setting the frame -- 10. Two-erson relational psychotherapy : infants and preschool age children -- 11. Two-person relational psychotherapy : elementary school age youth -- 12. Two-person relational psychotherapy : middle school age youth -- 13. Two-person relational psychotherapy : high school age adolescents -- 14. Supervision

    Contemporary psychodynamic theory profoundly impacts our understanding of the development of psychopathology in children and adolescents. This book creates new concepts derived from contemporary psychodynamic theory that necessitate a revision to the principles underlying our understanding of and approach to young patients in psychotherapy. Moreover, this book reviews recent contributions from contemporary two-person relational psychodynamic theory and makes use of detailed case examples to bring to life this theory's practical applications in child and adolescent psychotherapy. Psychotherapists and students of psychotherapy will find this book a valuable source of information on contemporary psychodynamic theory and a useful resource for introducing a contemporary style into their practice, co-constructing with the patient a narrative to achieve the desired goals.

    Psychothérapie dynamique / Enfants - Psychothérapie / Adolescents - Psychothérapie / Relations personnel médical-patient

    WS 340 D352co 2015


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 2
    Cote Localisation
    1 WS 340 D352co 2015 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]
    2 WS 340 D352co 2015 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]