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    Practical neurology

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    Biller, José 1948-

    4th edition

    Wolters Kluwer Health - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


    xxii, 747 p. : ill.


    Comprend un encart plié : Anatomy of the brain : study guide


    1. Diagnosis -- 2. Treatment

    This book is a practical, concise alternative to existing neurology textbooks. The outline format and standard chapter template offers the reader immediate, comprehensive information. The author is a well-respected educator who has a talent for making neurologic information accessible and understandable. Significant changes have been made to the therapeutics/management portion of the book as well as specific diagnosis-related chapters have been updated. More tables and figures allow the reader to find the information quickly. This book sits between a handbook and a textbook and distinguishes itself in its presentation of material in a problem-oriented format: 35 chapters discuss how to approach the patient with a variety of disorders; the second half of the book discusses treatment options.

    Neurologie - Guides, manuels, etc.

    WL 39 P895 2012


    Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
    Cote Localisation
    1 WL 39 P895 2012 Bibliothèque Norman-Bethune [disponible]