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    Clinical anesthesia

    Favoris Imprimer

    Barash, Paul G. / Cullen, Bruce F. / Stoelting, Robert K.

    Lippincott - Williams and Wilkins


    xviii, 1575 p. : ill.



    1. The History of Anesthesia -- 2. Practice and Operating Room Management -- 3. Experimental Design and Statistics -- 4. Occupational Health -- 5. Professional Liability, Quality Improvement, and Anesthetic Risk -- 6. Cellular and Molecular Mechanics of Anesthesia -- 7. Genomic Basis of Perioperative Medicine -- 8. Electrical and Fire Safety -- 9. Acid-Base and Fluids -- 10. Hemostasis and Hemotherapy -- 11. Basic Principles of Clinical Pharmacology -- 12. Autonomic Nervous System: Physiology and Pharmacology -- 13. Nonopioid Intravenous Anesthesia --14. Opioids -- 15. Inhalation Anesthesia -- 16. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents -- 17. Local Anesthetics -- 18. Preoperative Evaluation and Management -- 19. Anesthesia for Patients with Rare and Coexisting Diseases -- 20. Malignant Hyperthermia and Other Pharmacogenetic Disorders -- 21. Delivery Systems for Inhaled Anesthetics -- 22. Airway Management -- 23. Patient Positioning -- 24. Monitoring the Anesthetized Patient -- 25. Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia -- 26. Peripheral Nerve Blockade -- 27. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery -- 28. Respiratory Function in Anesthesia -- 29. Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery -- 30. Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology -- 31. Anesthesia for Cardiac Surgery -- 32. Anesthesia for Vascular Surgery -- 33. Anesthesia and the Eye -- 34. Anesthesia for Otolaryngologic Surgery -- 35. The Renal System and Anesthesia for Urologic Surgery -- 36. Anesthesia and Obesity -- 37. Anesthesia and Gastrointestinal Disorders -- 38. Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Procedures -- 39. Anesthesia and the Liver -- 40. Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery -- 41. Anesthesia and the Endocrine System -- 42. Obstetric Anesthesia -- 43. Neonatal Anesthesia -- 44. Pediatric Anesthesia -- 45. Anesthesia for the Geriatric Patient -- 46. Anesthesia for Ambulatory Surgery -- 47. Monitored Anesthetic Care -- 48. Trauma and Burns -- 49. The Allergic Response -- 50. Drug Interactions --51. Anesthesia Provided at Alternative Sites -- 52. Office-Based Anesthesia -- 53. Anesthesia for Organ Transplantation -- 54. Postoperative Recovery -- 55. Management of Acute Postoperative Pain -- 56. Chronic Pain Management -- 57. Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine -- 58. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation -- 59. Disaster Preparedness and Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The widely acclaimed text Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Fifth Edition, with thoroughly updated coverage and a new, more user-friendly design. More than 100 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume.

    New chapters in this edition cover genomic basis of perioperative medicine, office-based anesthesia, and disaster preparedness and bioterrorism. A new two-color page design enables readers to spot crucial information quickly. Each chapter opens with a numbered list of key points and the numbers are used in the margins to help readers locate information on those points.

    Subscribe to Lippincott's Interactive Anesthesia Library and get online access to the fully searchable content of eight critically acclaimed references in anesthesiology, critical care, and pain management.

    Anesthésie / Anesthésiologie

    WO 200 C641 2006


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