
Date de publication

Documents Longnecker, David E. 1 résultats

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- xxl, 2278, p. : ill. + 1 cédérom (12 cm)
Cote : WO 231 L856a 2008

Anesthésiologie - Guides, manuels, etc.

Anesthesiology gives a 360-degree view of the field, covering all of the anesthetic considerations, preparations, and procedures for the surgical patient, the pain patient or the critical care patient. It presents a balance between clinical information, practical clinical procedures, and the molecular and basic scientific underpinnings of anesthesiology practice. Anesthesiology delivers a multi-perspective, wide-ranging view of anesthetic drugs, procedures, co-morbid diseases, and need-to-know postoperative pain management strategies. This guide not only focuses on general anesthesia, but also is the first to feature a detailed look at the subspecialty of regional anesthesia.

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