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Documents Plans de soins 10 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xx, 772 pages)

Inhalothérapie ; Inhalothérapeutes ; Plans de soins

For all students and clinicians assessing or caring for patients with cardiopulmonary disorders, Respiratory Care: Patient Assessment and Care Plan Development is a must-have resource. As the most comprehensive reference available, it is a guide to the evaluation of the patient, and the development and implementation of an appropriate, evidence-based, respiratory care plan. Respiratory Care: Patient Assessment and Care Plan Development, Second Edition describes the purpose of patient assessment and then guides the reader through the process of reviewing existing data in the medical record, conducting the patient interview, performing the physical assessment, and finally evaluating the diagnostic studies needed and implementing a respiratory care plan. Bridging the gap between patient assessment and treatment, the text demonstrates how to apply assessment skills to the development and implementation of respiratory care plans. Integrated throughout each chapter are Clinical Focus Exercises, RC Insights!, and Key Points to help readers refine critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as strongly grasp important concepts.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Plans de soins ; Planification - Technique ; Soins dentaires

Enhance your skills in patient assessment, oral diagnosis, and treatment planning! A full-color, all-in-one reference, Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry, 4th Edition helps you create person-centered dental treatment plans for adolescent and adult patients. Using evidence-based research, this text shows how risk assessment, prognosis, and expected treatment outcomes factor into the planning process. Detailed coverage guides you through each phase of the treatment plan. New to this edition are chapters covering digital tools used in treatment planning and revised content in all chapters. The book renews a core section that describes how to plan and provide optimal oral health care for unique patient populations. Written by noted dentistry educators Stephen Stefanac and Samuel Nesbit, this must-have resource includes a fully searchable eBook version free with each print purchase.

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- xxi, 891 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 152 E93 2021

Soins infirmiers en gériatrie ; Soins infirmiers factuels ; Plans de soins

Across health care settings, older adults represent the majority of consumers served. They present with the most clinically and socially complex situations, and thus require nurses to possess highly developed assessment competencies, critical thinking abilities, and relationship-based skills. Nurses have an enormous responsibility when providing care to older adults in this rapidly changing health care environment with its increasing regulatory requirements, variable staffing levels, and unpredictable reimbursement. Nurses also have an amazing opportunity to positively change the daily experiences and health of older adults. The nurse who is armed with an understanding of the unique clinical presentations and response to treatment in older adults, and who has knowledge about evidence-based assessment and interventions, is situated to not only prevent and manage health problems, but also to promote function and quality of life.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (ix, 144 pages)

Diagnostics infirmiers ; Plans de soins ; Douleur - Traitement

Developed and published with the Association of Pain Management Nursing Assessing and managing pain-the primary symptom for those seeking health care-is imperative in every RN's daily practice. Pain management nursing takes this further with its specific focus to alleviate pain, improve pain relief, optimize function, and maintain quality of life of patients across the life span and in every practice setting. The premier resource for today's pain management nurse, Pain Management Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition is informed by ongoing advances in nursing, patient care, and the understanding of pain in its many dimensions. It addresses what every RN in this evidence-based practice specialty needs to know, including practice roles, tenets and principles, essential knowledge and skills, ethical considerations, and trends in care, education, public policy, and technology. This new edition's 17 competency-based standards provide a framework for evaluating practice outcomes and goals and for delineating what is expected of all pain management nurses. Its scope of practice-which establishes the who, what, where, when, why, and how of their practice-is the context for applying these standards. Among the pain management and pain care topics covered: - Pathophysiology of pain in the context of each patient's safety, pain perception and response, and biopsychosocial-spiritual needs - How each of the nine provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements can be applied in practice - Multimodal pain management options to achieve best treatment outcomes - Emerging insights from genetics and genomics into such areas as opioid metabolism and pain perception, and response to opioid analgesics - Networking, partnering and collaborating - Patient care and guidance using data from digital prescription monitoring programs and patient apps Pain Management Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 2nd Edition

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- xix, (20 p. de pl.), 627 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 161 A189 2012

Lésions et blessures - Soins infirmiers ; Entérostomie - Soins infirmiers ; Plans de soins ; Cicatrisation

Reflecting the latest technologic advances and therapies, the extensively revised new edition of Ruth Bryant and Denise Nix'sAcute and Chronic Wounds: Current Management Concepts remains your #1 source for today's best information on wound care. Using a strong nursing process and multidisciplinary approach, this best-selling title is an all-inclusive resource for anyone involved in the care of acute surgical wounds and all types of chronic wounds.

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- xiv, 706 p.
Cote : WM 141 A628h 2010

Maladies mentales - Diagnostic - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Maladies mentales - Traitement - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Plans de soins

Widely regarded as a premier clinical reference, this book provides state-of-the-science tools for conducting effective assessments and using the results to plan and monitor evidence-based interventions. Leading authorities present proven approaches to screening and assessment for specific psychological problems. They offer practical guidance and case examples to help clinicians select the best measures for different populations and assessment purposes. Recommended instruments and procedures are described, including applications for managed care and primary care settings. Many of the chapters feature detailed tables that compare and contrast relevant measures.

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- xxx, 457 p. : ill.
Cote : WY 100.1 G686s.F 2014
Trad. de : Strengths-based nursing care-health and healing for person and family, 2013.

Soins infirmiers ; Relations infirmière-patient ; Plans de soins ; Patients - Coopération -- Psychologie

Élu « Livre de l'année 2013 » par l'American Journal of Nursing, cet ouvrage marque un changement de paradigme dans les soins infirmiers, passant d'un modèle fondé sur les déficits de l'individu à un modèle fondé sur les forces de celui-ci, de sa famille et de sa collectivité. Cette approche, mise au point par le programme de soins infirmiers de l'Université McGill, constitue la clé de voûte des soins infirmiers efficaces.


L'ouvrage présente les moyens de reconnaître, de mobiliser et de soutenir les forces nouvelles et existantes pour favoriser la santé et la guérison.
En plus de mettre de l'avant la pratique fondée sur l'intégration des données probantes, l'ouvrage accorde une importance particulière à l'investigation clinique et critique, à la compréhension, au jugement clinique et la prise de décision.


L'ouvrage introduit les points de vue cliniques d'infirmières et d'infirmiers spécialisés en soins de première ligne ainsi que ceux de consultants experts qui utilisent l'ASFF dans leur pratique clinique.
L'approche pratique utilisée par l'auteure montre aux infirmières comment intégrer, dans leur travail quotidien, les connaissances, les habiletés et les outils de l'approche de soins fondée sur les forces.

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- xii, 262 p.
Cote : WM 141 C112p 2013
1. What is a psychodynamic formulation? -- 2. How do we use psychodynamic formulations? -- 3. How do we construct a psychodynamic
formulation? -- 4. Self -- 5. Relationships -- 6. Adapting -- 7. Cognition -- 8. Work
and play -- 9. What we're born with : genetics and prenatal development --
10. The earliest years -- 11. Middle childhood -- 12. Later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood -- 13. Trauma -- 14. Early cognitive and emotional
difficulties -- 15. Conflict and defense -- 16. Relationships with others --
17. The development of the self -- 18. Attachment -- 19. Psychodynamic formulation in acute care settings -- 20. Psychodynamic formulation in
psychopharmacologic treatment -- 21. Psychodynamic formulation in long-term
psychodynamic psychotherapy : revising over time -- 22. Sharing formulations with our patients. -- Epilogue -- Appendix How to use Psychodynamic formulation : a guide for educators -- Recommended reading -- Index.[-]
1. What is a psychodynamic formulation? -- 2. How do we use psychodynamic formulations? -- 3. How do we construct a psychodynamic
formulation? -- 4. Self -- 5. Relationships -- 6. Adapting -- 7. Cognition -- 8. Work
and play -- 9. What we're born with : genetics and prenatal development --
10. The earliest years -- 11. Middle childhood -- 12. Later childhood, adolescence, and adulthood -- 13. Trauma -- 14. Early cognitive and emotional ...[+]

Maladies mentales - Diagnostic ; Psychothérapie dynamique - Méthodologie ; Plans de soins

How do our patients come to be the way they are?
What forces shape their conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings?
How can we use this information to best help them?

Constructing psychodynamic formulations is one of the best ways for mental health professionals to answer questions like these. It can help clinicians in all mental health setting understand their patients, set treatment goals, choose therapeutic strategies, construct meaningful interventions and conduct treatment.

Despite the centrality of psychodynamic formulation to our work with patients, few students are taught how to construct them in a clear systematic way. This book offers students and practitioners from all fields of mental health a clear, practical, operationalized method for constructing psychodynamic formulations, with an emphasis on the following steps:

DESCRIBING problems and patterns
REVIEWING the developmental history
LINKING problems and patterns to history using organizing ideas about development.

The unique, up-to-date perspective of this book integrates psychodynamic theories with ideas about the role of genetics, trauma, and early cognitive and emotional difficulties on development to help clinicians develop effective formulations.

Psychodynamic Formulation is written in the same clear, concise style of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Clinical Manual (Wiley 2011). It is reader friendly, full of useful examples, eminently practical, suitable for either classroom or individual use, and applicable for all mental health professionals. It can stand alone or be used as a companion volume to the Clinical Manual.

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- x, 197 p. : ill. + 1 aide-mémoire(12 p.)
Cote : WY 86 P219m 2008
Aide-mémoire dans une pochette collée à la 3e page de couverture.

Modèle de McGill ; Modèles de soins infirmiers ; Plans de soins ; Soins infirmiers - Prise de décision ; Relations infirmière-patient ; Modèles de soins infirmiers - Problèmes et exercices

Conçu par des professionnelles de la santé et de l'enseignement, cet ouvrage aidera l'infirmière à mieux comprendre les assises et les concepts du modèle McGill afin de guider sa façon d'être en relation avec la personne/famille au quotidien. La présentation et les explications concernant les cinq étapes de la démarche clinique permettront à l'étudiante de développer ses compétences en ce qui a trait :
• à la recherche des données pertinentes
• à l'analyse et à l'interprétation des données
• à la planification des soins et des traitements dans le but de déterminer les apprentissages nécessaires pour atteindre la situation souhaitée
• à la réalisation des soins et des traitements infirmiers
• à l'évaluation des résultats.

Ce document offre du contenu et des outils pratiques qui répondent aux standards professionnels attendus en ce qui concerne la documentation des soins et des services requise au dossier des usagers. L'ensemble des outils proposés facilite les applications quotidiennes pour répondre au contexte actuel du milieu de la santé et de ses nombreuses exigences relatives à la qualité et la sécurité de la clientèle.

L'étudiante, au fil des chapitres, pourra mieux comprendre et intégrer les étapes de la démarche inspirée du modèle McGill à l'aide des situations cliniques évolutives présentées. Enfin, des exercices et des tests d'autoévaluation lui permettront de mesurer ses nouveaux acquis à chacune des étapes de la démarche clinique.

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