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Documents Perception sociale 6 résultats

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- xi, 223 p. : ill.
Cote : HD 33 C836o 2004

Comportement organisationnel ; Cartes cognitives ; Culture d'entreprise ; Perception sociale

Ce volume met d'abord en évidence les fondements épistémologiques d'une perspective cognitiviste, avant de faire état des caractéristiques du modèle cognitiviste proposé. Puis, la structure, la stratégie et la culture de l'organisation font l'objet d'une étude approfondie à partir de cette perspective. Un long chapitre est également consacré à ce merveilleux outil qu'est la cartographie cognitive. Finalement, en conclusion, le processus de constitution des connaissances est présenté essentiellement comme une entreprise de rhétorique s'inscrivant à l'intérieur d'une « conversation » entre chercheurs où chacun essaie de convaincre l'autre de l'intérêt de sa prétendue contribution.
Les enseignants et les chercheurs, établis ou en formation, sont susceptibles de trouver dans cet ouvrage des idées nouvelles, parfois même un peu provocantes. Par ailleurs, plusieurs consultants et gestionnaires y découvriront une perspective différente de celle à laquelle ils adhèrent probablement de façon plus ou moins implicite.

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- xvii, 353 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 203 S678 2001

Schizophrénie ; Perception sociale

This fascinating book examines how persons with schizophrenia understa nd and respond to their world. Unlike numbers, words, objects, or othe r "non-social" stimuli, social stimuli are abstract, fluid, immediate, reciprocal, fraught with personal meaning. While the ordinary person may have no trouble differentiating between the meaning of laughter in response to a joke and that in response to a social faux pas, the per son with schizophrenia may find it quite challenging. The ability to e xtract meaning from social stimuli requires a level of semantic proces sing that may be deficient in persons with schizophrenia. Furthermore, a person's relationship to social stimuli is interactive, requiring a cultural familiarity that persons with schizophrenia often lack as a result of their isolation from others.

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- xxiii, 593 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420 B328h 2012

Psychothérapie - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Prise de conscience ; Perception sociale ; Psychothérapie - Méthodologie

Mentalizing is the fundamental human capacity to read one s own and others mental states such as thoughts and feelings. The editors of Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice have authored two previous books aimed at establishing mentalizing as a developmental and clinical concept. Here they further explore mentalizing as a fundamental psychological process and seek to extend its use across a wide range of disorders, particularly in the treatment of patients with personality disorders and in preventive intervention in childhood. The first part of the book helps the reader understand the impact of a mentalizing perspective on the treatment of patients in different psychotherapy contexts. The second part focuses on the patient, identifying effective techniques for a variety of illnesses, including depression, trauma, borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, and drug addiction. Throughout, the contributors persuasively argue that the promotion of mind-mindedness in both patient and clinician is critical to any therapy. Across modalities, Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice is essential reading for mental health clinicians.

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- xix, 403 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 420 A427m 2008

Psychothérapie ; Guérison par l'esprit ; Perception de soi ; Prise de conscience ; Psychothérapie - Méthodologie ; Psychanalyse ; Perception sociale

The book includes a straightforward explanation clinicians can use with patients, "What is Mentalizing and Why Do It?" -- and also demonstrates the ways in which clinicians are already doing it. Clinicians of all persuasions can benefit from the extensive knowledge now available to hone further their attention to this vital therapeutic process.

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