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Documents Stahl, Stephen M. 7 résultats

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- viii, 295 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 165 M934s 2021

Suicide - Prévention ; Comportement suicidaire - Traitement

The current scientifically informed view of suicide is that, while complex, suicide is a health-related outcome. Driven by a convergence of health factors along with other psychosocial and environmental factors, suicide risk is multi-factorial. Like most health outcomes, a set of genetic, environmental, and psychological/behavioral factors are relevant. It's critically important that health professionals develop a current understanding of suicide as older views have permeated and clouded societal understanding leading to assumptions and judgment that have silenced generations of people suffering suicidal struggles or loss of a loved one to suicide.

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- xxiii, 485 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 18.2 S781c 2011

Maladies mentales - Chimiothérapie - Études de cas ; Maladies mentales - Chimiothérapie - Examens - Questions ; Psychopharmacologie - Études de cas ; Psychopharmacologie - Examens - Questions

Designed with the distinctive, user-friendly presentation Dr Stahl's audience know and love, this new stream of Stahl books capitalize on Dr Stahl's greatest strength – the ability to address complex issues in an understandable way and with direct relevance to the everyday experience of clinicians. The book describes a wide-ranging and representative selection of clinical scenarios, making use of icons, questions/answers and tips. It follows these cases through the complete clinical encounter, from start to resolution, acknowledging all the complications, issues, decisions, twists and turns along the way. The book is about living through the treatments that work, the treatments that fail, and the mistakes made along the journey. This is psychiatry in real life – these are the patients from your waiting room – this book will reassure, inform and guide better clinical decision making.

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- xviii, 320 p.
Cote : WM 18.2 S781s 2012

Maladies mentales - Examens, questions, etc. ; Psychiatrie - Méthodologie - Examens, questions, etc. ; Psychopharmacologie - Examens, questions, etc.

Dr Stahl's books occupy a central position as core educational resources in the psychopharmacology literature. Building on Dr Stahl's exceptional ability to communicate complex principles and make them easily understandable, this book offers 150 self-assessment questions derived from the Neuroscience Education Institute's Master Psychopharmacology Program. The self-assessment questions will help the reader to identify areas of competence or the need for further study and offers CME credit. In addition, the questions themselves are learning exercises: each question is followed by a thorough explanation of the correct and incorrect answer choices. Readers can work through the questions to prepare for formal tests, including American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology examinations and to achieve MoC credits towards ongoing ABPN re-accreditation. The questions are also ideal training tools for those working in related clinical fields and in industry.

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- xv, 232 p. : ill.
Cote : QV 77.9 S781a 2008

Neuroleptiques ; Troubles affectifs - Chimiothérapie ; Schizophrénie - Chimiothérapie

Pour chaque médicament sont exposés le mode action, la posologie, les modalités de surveillance ; les effets secondaires, les précautions particulières selon les patients, les interactions médicamenteuses, les indications et contre-indications. L'utilisation de couleurs différentes selon l'information traitée et d'icônes spécifiques pour marquer les rubriques facilite l'accès aux données recherchées. Trois index complètent l'ouvrage : par noms de médicaments ; par indications et pathologies ; par classes médicamenteuses. Un guide indispensable, pratique et complet des médicaments essentiels en psychiatre, conçu en complément de Psychopharmacologie essentielle : bases neuroscientifiques et applications pratiques.

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- xiii, 709 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 402 S781p 2011


Now established as the indispensable formulary in psychopharmacology, this latest edition of The Prescriber's Guide has been completely revised and updated to reflect the most current practice in the use of psychotropic drugs. Easy to navigate and easy to use, The Prescriber's Guide combines evidence-based information with clinically informed guidance to support clinicians in making the most effective prescribing decisions for the good of their patients. With coverage of twelve brand-new drugs - including antidepressants, antipsychotics, hypnotics, nonstimulants for ADHD and medical foods - and incorporating information on the newest indications, new formulations, new recommendations and new safety data, this edition continues to provide the essential practical support required by anyone prescribing in the field of mental health.

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- xv, 608 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 402 S781s 2013

Maladies mentales - Chimiothérapie ; Psychopharmacologie ; Psychotropes - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Chimiothérapie

With this fully revised fourth edition, Dr Stahl returns to the essential roots of what it means to become a neurobiologically empowered psychopharmacologist, expertly guided in the selection and combination of treatments for individual patients in practice. Embracing the unifying themes of 'symptom endophenotypes', dimensions of psychopathology that cut across syndromes, and 'symptoms and circuits', every aspect of the text has been updated to the frontiers of current knowledge, with the clarity of explanation and illustration that only Dr Stahl can bring. Integrating much of the basic neuroscience into the clinical chapters, and with major additions in the areas of psychosis, antipsychotics, antidepressants, impulsivity, compulsivity and addiction, this is the single most readily readable source of information on disease and drug mechanisms. This remains the essential text for all students and professionals in mental health seeking to understand and utilize current therapeutics, and to anticipate the future for novel medications.

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- xvii, 501 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 402 S781e.F 2007
Trad. de: Essential psychopharmacology : the prescriber's guide


Comme son titre t'indique, cet ouvrage est un guide d'utilisation des 100 médicaments essentiels en psychiatrie. Pour chaque substance, il expose ainsi successivement sa classe pharmacologique, son mode d'action, sa posologie, les modalités de surveillance du traitement, ses effets secondaires, les précautions particulières, notamment sur certains terrains comme le sujet âgé, la femme enceinte, les interactions médicamenteuses, ses indications et contre-indications. L'auteur a complété les rubriques par la rédaction d'un " Palmarès ", c'est-à-dire des points particuliers originaux à souligner, comme les avantages ou inconvénients potentiels de la substance traitée. Chaque chapitre se termine enfin par quelques références bibliographiques. La rédaction est toujours claire, précise, accessible, pratique. L'utilisation de couleurs différentes selon l'information traitée, d'icônes spécifiques selon la rubrique ajoute à l'aspect pratique de t'ouvrage, permettant un accès immédiat aux données recherchées. De plus, l'ouvrage se termine par trois index: le premier des noms de médicaments, le second des indications et pathologies, te troisième concerne les classes médicamenteuses. Enfin, pour chaque substance, apparaissent le nom générique et le nom commercial tant aux États-Unis qu'en France. Au total, il s'agit d'un guide thérapeutique indispensable, pratique, complet. L'ouvrage s'adresse à un large public Les psychiatres, les médecins de l'industrie pharmaceutique les internes et chefs de clinique en psychiatrie, les internistes et tous les praticiens soucieux d'actualiser leurs connaissances dans ce domaine.

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