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Documents Biologie moléculaire 7 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xvi, 428 p. : ill.)

Biologie moléculaire ; Cellules - Physiologie

Cette troisième édition d'un ouvrage très apprécié des enseignants et des étudiants propose un contenu renouvelé dans le fond et la forme. Le fond, l'évolution rapide des connaissances dans le domaine de la biologie cellulaire a rendu nécessaire, même pour un ouvrage destiné à des étudiants débutant l'étude de la cellule, des remaniements substantiels de certains chapitres. La forme, l'emploi de deux couleurs rend la mise en page plus attrayante et les schémas plus explicites. Le but de cet ouvrage n'a pas changé, c'est-à-dire permettre aux étudiants d'acquérir de solides notions sur l'organisation et les modalités du fonctionnement de la cellule et d'établir les liens existant entre les structures et les fonctions. Sommaire : La cellule et ses constituants moléculaires : Caractéristiques des êtres vivants, Composition chimique de la matière vivante, Les protéines, Les lipides, etc.; Les compartiments cellulaires et leurs fonctions : La membrane plasmique, Le territoire nucléaire - La nucléoïde des Procaryotes et le noyau des Eucaryotes, La transcription de l'information génétique, etc.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (144 p. : ill.)
Traduction de: High-yield cell and molecular biology

Cytologie ; Biologie moléculaire

Les ouvrages de la collection prsentent les notions essentielles dans chacune des matires fondamentales sous une forme concise et pure afin de mieux prparer l'tudiant de PCEM 1 au concours. Rdigs par des auteurs reconnus et experts dans leur spcialit, ils constituent des outils efficaces de prparation, avec des textes dpouills et un recours systmatique l'image et au schma pour expliquer des ides complexes.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Biologie moléculaire

Molecular Biology, Third Edition, provides a thoroughly revised, invaluable resource for college and university students in the life sciences, medicine and related fields. This esteemed text continues to meet the needs of students and professors by offering new chapters on RNA, genome defense, and epigenetics, along with expanded coverage of RNAi, CRISPR, and more ensuring topical content for a new class of students. This volume effectively introduces basic concepts that are followed by more specific applications as the text evolves.

Moreover, as part of the Academic Cell line of textbooks, this book contains research passages that shine a spotlight on current experimental work reported in Cell Press articles. These articles form the basis of case studies found in the associated online study guide that is designed to tie current topics to the scientific community.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Biologie moléculaire

For nearly 30 years, Principles of Medical Biochemistry has integrated medical biochemistry with molecular genetics, cell biology, and genetics to provide complete yet concise coverage that links biochemistry with clinical medicine. The 4th Edition of this award-winning text by Drs. Gerhard Meisenberg and William H. Simmons has been fully updated with new clinical examples, expanded coverage of recent changes in the field, and many new case studies online. A highly visual format helps readers retain complex information, and USMLE-style questions (in print and online) assist with exam preparation.

Key Features:
• Just the right amount of detail on biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics – in one easy-to-digest textbook.
• Full-color illustrations and tables throughout help students master challenging concepts more easily.
• Online case studies serve as a self-assessment and review tool before exams.
• Glossary of technical terms, both in print and online.

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- xxv, 781 p. : ill.
Cote : QH 431 S894h 2011
2e p. de couv. : Quick reference -- The genetic code -- One-letter codes for amino acids
3e de couv. : Banding patterns of human chromosomes

Génétique moléculaire humaine ; Génome humain ; Biologie moléculaire

Human Molecular Genetics is an established and class-proven textbook for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students which provides an authoritative and integrated approach to the molecular aspects of human genetics. While maintaining the hallmark features of previous editions, the Fourth Edition has been completely updated. It includes new Key Concepts at the beginning of each chapter and annotated further reading at the conclusion of each chapter, to help readers navigate the wealth of information in this subject.

The text has been restructured so genomic technologies are integrated throughout, and next generation sequencing is included. Genetic testing, screening, approaches to therapy, personalized medicine, and disease models have been brought together in one section. Coverage of cell biology including stem cells and cell therapy, studying gene function and structure, comparative genomics, model organisms, noncoding RNAs and their functions, and epigenetics have all been expanded.

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- xviii, 654 p. : ill.
Cote : QU 18.2 M958b.F 2007
Trad. de : Biochemie-Eine Einführung für Mediziner und Naturvissenschaftler, 2004

Biochimie ; Biologie moléculaire

Couvre la biochimie, la biologie moléculaire et la biologie cellulaire, en s'adressant spécifiquement aux étudiants en sciences de la vie ou en médecine. Des encarts permettent des incursions en pathologie, en biologie cellulaire, en biophysique et en recherche expérimentale. Fait le bilan des connaissances les plus actuelles.

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- xxvi, 414 p.
Cote : WM 460 K16p 2005

Psychiatrie ; Psychanalyse ; Neurobiologie ; Biologie moléculaire

Brought together for the first time in a single volume, these eight important and fascinating essays by Nobel Prize-winning psychiatrist Eric Kandel provide a breakthrough perspective on how biology has influenced modern psychiatric thought. Complete with commentaries by experts in the field, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New Biology of Mind reflects the author's evolving view of how biology has revolutionized psychiatry and psychology and how potentially could alter modern psychoanalytic thought.

The author's unique perspective on both psychoanalysis and biological research has led to breakthroughs in our thinking about neurobiology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis -- all driven by the central idea that a fuller understanding of the biological processes of learning and memory can illuminate our understanding of behavior and its disorders. These wonderful essays cover - the mechanisms of psychotherapy and medications, showing that both work at the same level of neural circuits and synapses, and the implications of neurobiological research for psychotherapy;- the ability to detect functional changes in the brain after psychotherapy, which enables us, for the first time, to objectively evaluate the effects of psychotherapy on individual patients;- the need for animal models of mental disorders; for example, learned fear, to show how molecules and cellular mechanisms for learning and memory can be combined in various ways to produce a range of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors;- the unification of behavioral psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and molecular biology into the new science of the mind, charted in two seminal reports on neurobiology and molecular biology given in 1983 and 2000;- the critical role of synapses and synaptic strength in both short- and long-term learning;- the biological and social implications of the mapping of the human genome for medicine in general and for psychiatry and mental health in particular;

The author concludes by calling for a revolution in psychiatry, one that can use the power of biology and cognitive psychology to treat the many mentally ill persons who do not benefit from drug therapy.

Fascinating reading for psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, social workers, residents in psychiatry, and trainees in psychoanalysis, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, and the New Biology of Mind records with elegant precision the monumental changes taking place in psychiatric thinking. It is an invaluable reference work and a treasured resource for thinking about the future.

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