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Documents Méthode des cas 4 résultats

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- xii, 424 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 704 H558p 2022

Soins palliatifs ; Douleur - Traitement palliatif ; Analgésiques - Emploi en thérapeutique ; Méthode des cas

Part of the "What Do I Do Now?: Palliative Care" series, Pain uses thought-provoking, real-world cases to illustrate concepts, approaches to therapy, and potential barriers to optimal care presented by a diverse panel of interdisciplinary authors. Pain is a frequent and distressing symptom encountered by those with serious or life-limiting illness and may present in a multitude of fashions and from a wide array of etiologies. This book intertwines pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, and ethical principles of pain control within case-based discussions, allowing readers to expect:

· Unique perspectives of pain control, from numerous essential members of the healthcare team;
· An engaging collection of cases that illustrate the most current approaches to the most commonly encountered pain syndromes in palliative care;
· Chapters that begin with cases and that utilize a conversational tone throughout, like a "curb-side" consult with a seasoned colleague.

Consisting of 46 chapters that cover everything from antidepressants to cannabis, cultural competency to bone pain, this volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader's ability to answer the question, "What do I do now?"

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- xiv, 206 p.
Cote : WM 40 D715m 2001

Psychologie clinique ; Psychopathologie ; Méthode des cas

La méthode du cas désigne en psychologie le recours aux situations cliniques concrètes pour diagnostiquer et prendre en charge les troubles. Elle a recours aux questionnaires, aux tests cognitifs et aux épreuves projectives. Elle constitue une interface entre les aspects biologiques, neuropsychologiques, psychologiques et culturels. Cet ouvrage dessine le contenu et la mise en œuvre de cette méthode qui synthétise la démarche empirique pure (se limiter au fait) et l'approche uniquement nosographique. Au sommaire : Penser le fonctionnement psychique; L'abord des réalités cliniques; Historique de la méthode du cas; La méthode du cas et l'histoire du sujet; Métapsychologie du soi; Exploration du soi; La description des troubles en psychopathologie; Le fonctionnement bio-psychologique et le déterminisme multifactoriel; La méthode du cas comme outil de formation des psychologues cliniciens; La méthode du cas et la démarche scientifique; Les enjeux cliniques et épistémologiques.

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- xi, 355 p.
Cote : WM 40 O52c 1986

Méthode des cas ; Maladies mentales - Études de cas ; Psychopathologie - Études de cas

This book presents an objective, comprehensive description of problems, with an emphasis on observable behavior and self-report emotional states. Describing 18 case studies, many of them new, the book shows clinical problems in their full complexity - from initial manifestations through the full course of treatment. It offers examples both of specific disorders, like schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, etc, and problems other than classic symptoms, for example, marital disorders. Also included in the book are outlines and a discussion on alternative conceptual approaches. The book describes treatments that were employed to change specific problems, and discusses each case in relation to the relevant research literature.

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