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Documents Femmes - Santé et hygiène 4 résultats

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- 287 p. : ill. en coul.
Cote : WA 309 F331 2023

Femmes - Santé et hygiène

Les femmes sages . Se réapproprier son corps, parler sexualité de manière positive, améliorer la prise en charge des douleurs, s'appuyer sur des pratiques complémentaires, réfléchir à une médecine plus égalitaire... . Les professionnelles de santé, chercheuses, militantes et patientes ici réunies ont en commun de penser la santé sexuelle et gynécologique autrement, de manière globale et inclusive. Adapté du podcast Les Femmes Sages, ce livre vise à faire connaissance avec leur cheminement personnel et leurs engagements respectifs, tout en ouvrant des pistes de réflexion.

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Médecine du sport ; Sports - Accidents et blessures ; Femmes - Santé et hygiène

Of all the important factors that must be considered when assessing and treating an athlete, the impact of patient sex is perhaps the most critical, yet historically has often been neglected. The "same injury" in a male patient may present differently, sometimes in subtle ways, than in a female patient and may require a different treatment approach. The Female Athlete, edited by Dr. Rachel Frank, provides concise, expert coverage of the ways in which common sports medicine injuries present in female patients versus male patients, describing recent literature analyzing sex differences in injury patterns and available treatment options.

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Soins infirmiers mère-enfant - Normes ; Soins infirmiers en obstétrique - Normes ; Soins prénatals - Normes ; Femmes - Santé et hygiène ; Nourrissons - Soins - Normes

Standards for Professional Nursing Practice in the Care of Women and Newborns provides caregivers with the information they need to care for mothers and newborns.

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Identité sexuelle ; Différences entre sexes ; Hommes - Santé et hygiène ; Femmes - Santé et hygiène

The announcement that we had decoded the human genome in 2000 ushered in a new and unique era in biomedical research and clinical medicine. This Third Edition of Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine focuses, as in the past two editions, on the essentials of sexual dimorphism in human physiology and pathophysiology, but emphasizes the latest information about molecular biology and genomic science in a variety of disciplines. Thus, this edition is a departure from the previous two; the editor solicited individual manuscripts from innovative scientists in a variety of fields rather than the traditional arrangement of sections devoted to the various subspecialties of medicine edited by section chiefs. Wherever it was available, these authors incorporated the latest information about the impact of the genome and the elements that modify its expression on human physiology and illness. All chapters progress translationally from basic science to the clinical applications of gender-specific therapy and suggest the most important topics for future investigation. This book is essential reading for all biomedical investigators and medical educators involved in gender-specific medicine. It will also be useful for primary care practitioners who need information about the importance of sex and gender in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness. Winner of the 2018 PROSE Award in Clinical Medicine from the Association of American Publishers!

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