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Documents Infirmières - Responsabilité professionnelle 1 résultats

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- xxviii, 532 p.
Cote : WM 402 L434m 2013

Maladies mentales - Chimiothérapie ; Psychotropes ; Infirmières - Responsabilité professionnelle

As the need for mental health services has grown, the number of psychiatrists has declined, leaving a gap that has lately been filled, in part, by Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (P.M.H.-A.P.R.N.s). The Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Nurses is designed to serve as both an academic textbook and a reference book for these nurses as well as mental health practitioners, general practitioners, and consumers. Each chapter is devoted to a specific category of mental disorders, guiding the reader through the pertinent symptoms while offering a holistic perspective unique to nursing. The book is further enriched by snapshots of prescribing for various treatment populations, pharmacogenomic information to guide personalization of medication therapies, and rating scales to quantify the impact of psychopharmacological interventions on the individual's treatment. The first and only psychopharmacology text specifically aimed at educating P.M.H.-A.P.R.N.s, Manual of Clinical Psychopharmacology for Nurses merges the fundamentals of medication treatment in common psychiatric disorders with the therapeutic approach of the nursing field in general to create a comprehensive, thoughtful, and exceedingly useful resource.

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