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Documents Neuropsychologie pédiatrique 9 résultats

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- xx, 487 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 110 S571c 2009

Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Neuropsychiatrie infantile

During the past decade, significant advances have been made in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders, resulting in a considerable impact on conceptualization, diagnostics, and practice. The second edition of Child Neuropsychology: Assessment and Interventions for Neurodevelopmental Disorders brings readers up to speed clearly and authoritatively, offering the latest information on neuroimaging technologies, individual disorders, and effective treatment of children and adolescents.

Starting with the basics of clinical child neuropsychology and functional anatomy, the authors present a transactional framework for assessment, diagnosis, and intervention. The book carefully links structure and function―and behavioral and biological science―for a more nuanced understanding of brain development and of pathologies as varied as pervasive developmental disorders, learning disabilities, neuromotor dysfunction, seizure disorders, and childhood cancers.

This volume features a range of salient features valuable to students as well as novice and seasoned practitioners alike, including:

• Overview chapters that discuss the effects of biogenic and environmental factors on neurological functioning.
• New emphasis on multicultural/cross-cultural aspects of neuropsychology and assessment.
• Brand new chapters on interpretation, neuropsychological assessment process, and report writing.
• An integrative model of neurological, neuroradiological, and psychological assessment and diagnosis.
• Balanced coverage of behavioral, pharmacological, and educational approaches to treatment.
• Case studies illustrating typical and distinctive presentations and successful diagnosis, treatment planning, and intervention.
• Important practice updates, including the new HIPAA regulations.

Child Neuropsychology, 2nd Edition, is vital reading for school, clinical child, and counseling psychologists as well as neuropsychologists. The book also provides rich background and practical material for graduate students entering these fields.

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- 281 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 110 M476c 2008

Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Neuropsychologie clinique ; Tests neuropsychologiques pour enfants ; Troubles de l'apprentissage ; Troubles de la cognition chez l'enfant

Contrairement aux handicaps neuromoteurs ou sensoriels, les pathologies neuropsychologiques sont souvent cachées, invisibles, ne se révélant que par des manifestations indirectes (échec scolaire, troubles inattendus des acquisitions, comportements apparemment inexplicables) qui laissent l'enfant, la famille et les professionnels déroutés et démunis. Repérer et identifier ces troubles nécessite expérience et méthode. Les étapes indispensables à l'établissement d'un diagnostic précis sont souvent complexes : identifier les signes d'appel, choisir les tests en fonction de leur pertinence, authentifier les troubles, interpréter et croiser les résultats pour tenter de mettre à jour les mécanismes sous-jacents au symptôme. Pourtant, seul ce diagnostic précis permettra d'engager les traitements et rééducations appropriés. Cet ouvrage offre au praticien une analyse détaillée des différents tests communément utilisés, ainsi qu'un répertoire de l'éventail des compétences cognitives sollicitées par chaque épreuve lors de l'évaluation clinique des « dys ». Au-delà du découpage de l'ouvrage par trouble – dysphasies, dyspraxies, troubles attentionnels et syndromes dys-exécutifs, dyslexies, dyscalculies... –, les renvois de paragraphes permettent aussi une lecture transversale du livre, nécessaire pour mettre à jour les correspondances entre les symptômes, les associations fréquentes et surtout les interactions inhérentes au fonctionnement cognitif. Enfin, chaque chapitre présente et analyse de nombreux cas issus de la pratique clinique. Les ajouts et mises à jour de cette seconde édition prennent en compte les dernières évolutions en matière de tests (en particulier, la parution récente des WPPSI-III, WISC-IV, NEPSY). Les professionnels disposent ainsi d'outils pour analyser les épreuves originales nouvellement développées dont la connaissance est actuellement indispensable aux praticiens.

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- xvii, 588 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 107 G624h 2011

Neurologie du développement ; Maladies génétiques chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Troubles du développement

Recognized as the definitive reference in the field, this book addresses a broad range of biologically based disorders that affect children's learning and development. Leading authorities review the genetics of each disorder; its course and outcome; associated developmental, cognitive, and psychosocial challenges; and what clinicians and educators need to know about effective approaches to assessment and intervention. Coverage encompasses more frequently diagnosed learning and behavior problems with a genetic component as well as numerous lower-incidence neurodevelopmental disabilities. Illustrations include 12 color plates.

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- xvi, 540 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 340 Y5p 2010

Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Système nerveux - Maladies

The most comprehensive, authoritative reference of its kind, this acclaimed work examines a wide range of acquired, congenital, and developmental brain disorders and their impact on children's neuropsychological functioning. Leading experts present state-of-the-art knowledge about how each condition affects the developing brain; the nature and severity of associated cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial impairments; and effective approaches to clinical evaluation and treatment planning.

New to This Edition:

• Reflects significant scientific advances.
• An additional coeditor, Bruce F. Pennington.
• Chapters on math, reading, and language disabilities; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; autism; and intellectual disabilities.
• Medical disorders not covered in prior edition: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis; tuberous sclerosis; childhood stroke; and fetal alcohol syndrome.
• A chapter on evidence-based neuropsychological interventions.

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- xx, 1214 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 340 D261h 2011

Tests neuropsychologiques ; Troubles du développement ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Tests neuropsychologiques pour enfants

This handbook covers basic neurodevelopmental research that any pediatric neuropsychologist will need to know. The authors discuss practical issues in pediatric assessment, and provide a comprehensive overview of the most common medical conditions that neuropsycholoigists encounter while dealing with pediatric populations. The book also describes a variety of professional issues that neuropsychologists must confront during their daily practice, such as ethics, multiculturalism, child abuse, forensics, and psychopharmacology. Also discussed are school-based issues such as special education law, consulting with school staff, and reintegrating children back into mainstream schools.

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- xiii, 304 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.6 B812d 2001

Troubles du développement chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Neuropsychiatrie infantile

In this book, the author discusses a range of common neurodevelopmental disorders affecting young people - autism, depression, schizophrenia, ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder - from the unique perspective of their proposed common origin in the function and dysfunction of the brain's frontostriatal system.

Throughout the book, the author systematically compares and contrasts them from a biological, clinical and evolutionary standpoint, viewing them as extensions of normal personality attributes, which, in less extreme form, may possess certain behavioural advantages, explaining their persistence in the general population. The result is a unique, up-to-date, and wide-ranging discussion of these disorders that draws upon biology, genetics, neuropsychology, neuropathology, neuroimaging, and clinical presentation and treatment. It will be of interest to advanced students, researchers and practitioners in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, psychiatry, and clinical psychology.

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- xix, 429 p.
Cote : WS 340 B265n 2004

Tests neuropsychologiques pour enfants ; Enfants - Tests psychologiques ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Cerveau - Lésions et blessures ; Cerveau - Maladies

This esential desk reference will meet the demand for a broad and convenient collection of normative data in child neuropsychology. In a clearly written, well-organized manner, it compiles published and previously unpublished normative data for the neuropsychological tests that are most commonly used with children. Far from being a raw collection, however, it integrates concepts and models central to the neuropsychological assessment of children into the discussions of data. All these discussions have a practical, clinical focus. As background, the author considers the current status of child neuropsychology practice, test models, behavioral assessment techniques, observational data, procedures to optimize child evaluation, communication of results through the interpretive session and report writing, and preliminary assessment methods. Then she reviews the tests and data under the broad domains of intelligence, executive function, attention, language, motor and sensory-perceptual function, visuoperceptual, visuospatial, and visuoconstructional function, and learning and memory. Written by a seasoned practioner, this book will be an extraordinary resource for child and developmental neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, child neurologists, and their students and trainees.

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- xi, 336 p.
Cote : WS 340 N494 2004

Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Neurologie pédiatrique ; Enfants en difficulté d'apprentissage - Psychologie ; Enfants atteints de troubles du développement - Psychologie ; Enfants maltraités - Psychologie ; Cognition chez l'enfant

La neurospychologie nouvelle dans la sphère de l'enfance : évaluation neuropsychologique pédiatrique et neurotraumatologie ? Interruptions du développement normal chez les enfants victimes de lésions aux lobes frontaux ? Compréhension des difficultés d'apprentissage scolaire des enfants nés prématurés ? Épilepsie ? Syndrome Gilles de la Tourette ? Autisme ? Maltraitance ?

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