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Documents Sciences sociales - Recherche 4 résultats

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- xxxvi, 843 p.
Cote : Q 180 M592 2020

Méthodes de recherche mixtes ; Recherche qualitative ; Recherche quantitative ; Sciences de la santé - Recherche - Aspect moral ; Sciences sociales - Recherche

La méthode est la pierre angulaire de la recherche appliquée en sciences humaines, sociales et de la santé, car c'est elle qui balise le chemin qu'emprunte le chercheur pour réaliser ses travaux. Elle doit soutenir le processus de réflexion en fonction du contexte dans lequel s'inscrit un projet, soit tenir compte de la question de recherche, du phénomène et de la population à l'étude. Dans un monde de la recherche de plus en plus décloisonné et vaste, il devient nécessaire de disposer d'une perspective englobante, capable d'intégrer les apports de diverses approches méthodologiques tout en reconnaissant leurs particularités. Le présent ouvrage, en évitant le traditionnel clivage entre méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, présente 30 devis ou analyses de recherche, dont l'étude de cas, la théorisation ancrée, la revue de littérature systématique, l'essai randomisé, le groupe de discussion focalisée, les analyses multiniveaux, la modélisation par équations structurelles et les approches participatives. Cette nouvelle édition est également enrichie de chapitres portant sur l'examen de la portée, la méta-review des écrits, l'analyse de puissance, l'analyse d'agrégats géographiques, les algorithmes d'apprentissage automatique ou statistique, la modélisation de type Rasch et les enquêtes en ligne. Tout au long du manuel, des ponts sont établis entre les méthodes de recherche qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes afin de mettre en lumière leurs points communs et leurs articulations. Leurs applications concrètes permettront également au lecteur (étudiant, chercheur, professeur ou intervenant) de reproduire le cheminement méthodologique tracé par les auteurs.

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- xxvii, 291 p. : ill.
Cote : H62 C923r 2023

Sciences sociales - Recherche ; Sciences sociales - Méthodes statistiques

The new edition of the best-selling text, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches by John W. Creswell and co-author J. David Creswell, continues the pioneering tradition of providing clear and concise instruction for understanding research and developing proposals for all three approaches. This classic text walks students through research methods, starting with a preliminary consideration of philosophical assumptions, continuing with a review of the literature, an assessment of the use of theory in research approaches, and ending with reflections about the importance of writing and ethics in scholarly inquiry in a way that is applicable to all types of research. Coverage of key elements of the research process helps readers organize and develop their research project, giving specific attention to each methodological approach. The book has been lauded for its language and tone, which are both accessible and inviting. Students keep and continue to use this text as a resource throughout their studies, once the specific class is over. The Sixth Edition includes more coverage of community-based participatory research, comparisons of qualitative and quantitative research, an expanded glossary with basic terms, updated examples of social, behavioral, and health research, new coverage of ethical requirements, updated APA 7th edition coverage, and additional exercises aimed at research projects.

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- ix, 273 p.
Cote : W 84.3 P895 2022

Recherche - Méthodologie ; Sciences sociales - Recherche ; Sciences de la santé - Étude et enseignement

An invaluable tool for health and social work students and professionals who want to improve their practice through collaborative research with patients, clients, and colleagues.

Throughout history, some of the most prominent contributors to health and social sciences have been men and women comfortable with both practice and academia. But today, research in health-related fields is increasingly conducted in specialized settings by people who are first and foremost researchers. Critics bemoan this loss of practice-based research, long considered a vital part of the contribution that doctors, nurses, public health workers, and social workers can make both to their field and the communities in which they work. Unfortunately, the explosion of new discoveries in health-related fields, along with the exponential increase in the amount of knowledge being produced and the growing demands of practice, have caused both the production and application of knowledge to become highly specialized and increasingly complex. This has resulted in a widening gap between research and practice.

Recognizing the need for a guide to this type of research, Practitioner Research for Social Work, Nursing, and the Health Professions is a thoroughly reimagined version of a book originally published in 2011 in the Netherlands. Aimed at American practitioners, it is a highly practical guide for anyone in social work, nursing, and other health care and social welfare settings. Its seven-step Practitioner Research Method offers readers a tried-and-true approach to conducting research in their own work environments, and the authors use real-world examples to highlight strategies for overcoming barriers and incorporating research.

While leading practitioners through each stage of the research process, the authors explain in detail how to apply a variety of field-tested tools and techniques. A unique and indispensable resource for students in undergraduate and graduate research courses, as well as for seasoned professionals who seek a practical guide for developing and implementing their own research projects in social work, nursing, and the health professions, this book is also the first textbook to introduce the concept and practice of practitioner research to an American audience.

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- xxi, 586 p. : ill
Cote : H 62 R667 2011

Sciences sociales - Méthodologie ; Sciences sociales - Recherche ; Psychologie - Méthodologie ; Psychologie - Recherche

Real world research is a common responsibility of professionals and practitioners in a wide range of both public and private settings. These include teachers, social workers and health service professionals, managers and specialists in business, architects, designers, criminologists and accountants among many others.
Real World Research provides a clear route-map of the various steps needed to carry out a piece of applied research to a high professional standard. It is accessible to those without a social science background while providing rigorous and fully up-to-date coverage of contemporary issues and debates. It brings together materials and approaches from different social science disciplines, seeing value in both quantitative and qualitative approaches, as well as their combination in mixed-method designs
This edition includes : a brand new chapter on multi-strategy designs ; increased coverage of ethical issues ; a chapter on writing a project proposal ; discussion of Internet-based research – both as a research tool and as a subject for research ; coverage of evidence-based approaches – seeking to present a balanced assessment of their value.

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