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Documents Tests neuropsychologiques 13 résultats

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- 112 p. : ill.
Cote : WB 555 V516 2013

Tests neuropsychologiques ; Personnes atteintes de lésions cérébrales

Cet ouvrage propose cinq tâches exécutive de type « résolution de problèmes », proches de la vie quotidienne et reproductibles. Elles sont définies comme ligne de base, c'est-à-dire qu'elles permettent l'évaluation des capacités exécutives.
Au quotidien, les fonctions cognitives exécutives sont indispensables pour orchestrer et finaliser adéquatement nos activités occasionnelles, parfois nouvelles ou complexes. La personne cérébrolésée qui présente des séquelles dysexécutives est donc en difficulté dans certaines activités importantes de la vie de tous les jours, au point d'en perdre son autonomie.

Cet ouvrage propose des outils d'évaluation des effets de la rééducation sur les fonctions exécutives du patient cérébrolésé. Ces évaluations, construites sous la forme de lignes de base, proposent 5 tâches dissociables et proches de situations de type « résolution de problèmes » pouvant être rencontrées au quotidien.

Écologiques, sensibles aux procédures exécutives et reproductibles, elles sont analysées sur base des erreurs produites, du comportement et d'un minutage précis. L'évolution des compétences du patient peut ainsi être vérifiée tant du point de vue qualitatif que quantitatif. Ces lignes de base peuvent être utilisées pour l'accompagnement thérapeutique du patient cérébrolésé adulte en centre de réadaptation fonctionnelle comme dans la pratique professionnelle libérale.

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- 186 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 348 S562q 2006

Cognition - Tests ; Tests neuropsychologiques ; Cerveau - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Troubles de la cognition - Diagnostic

Cognitive screening tests are essential instruments for clinicians working with patients suffering from dementias, brain injury, multiple sclerosis and many other neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. This authoritative book highlights the importance of early detection, focusing on those cognitive screening tests that can be carried out quickly and yet provide essential information for the assessment, management and treatment of these patients. Explanation is given on how and when these tests should be used and the book also helps to synthesize the vast body of literature available in this area, providing clinicians with essential practical tools for use in their daily practice.

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- xix, 368 p. : ill.
Cote : W 740 S553p 2012

Psychiatrie médico-légale ; Tests neuropsychologiques ; Cerveau - Lésions et blessures

Pediatric Forensic Neuropsychology is the authoritative, definitive reference on the practice and process of civil forensic neuropsychological assessment of children and adolescents. With chapters authored by top experts in the field of pediatric neuropsychology and forensic neuropsychology, this book provides critical, knowledgeable, and expert information for clinicians, attorneys, physicians and other professionals involved in forensic pediatric neuropsychological assessment.

Pediatric Forensic Neuropsychology covers core theoretical and practical topics including the role of pediatric neuropsychology in the courtroom, ethics, test selection, advanced interpretation of test results, tools for assessing sub-optimal performance, differential diagnosis of malingering and related conditions, and factors such as culture and pre-morbid conditions. In addition, in-depth review and clinical case descriptions of mild traumatic brain injury, moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, medical malpractice, the independent educational evaluation, and the diagnosis of psychological and psychiatric conditions such as secondary ADHD in the context of the forensic neuropsychological evaluation are covered in detail. The book also includes a toolbox of forms useful for conducting clinical forensic evaluations which will be of particular interest to practicing clinicians.

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- xx, 1214 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 340 D261h 2011

Tests neuropsychologiques ; Troubles du développement ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Tests neuropsychologiques pour enfants

This handbook covers basic neurodevelopmental research that any pediatric neuropsychologist will need to know. The authors discuss practical issues in pediatric assessment, and provide a comprehensive overview of the most common medical conditions that neuropsycholoigists encounter while dealing with pediatric populations. The book also describes a variety of professional issues that neuropsychologists must confront during their daily practice, such as ethics, multiculturalism, child abuse, forensics, and psychopharmacology. Also discussed are school-based issues such as special education law, consulting with school staff, and reintegrating children back into mainstream schools.

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- xvi, 653 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 141 G881n 2000

Tests neuropsychologiques

Neuropsychological Assessment in Clinical Practice A Guide to Test Interpretation and Integration Written with the graduate student and practicing clinician in mind, this book covers today's most important issues in neuropsychological assessment, including:

* Strategies for interviewing and interpretive guidelines to the most frequently used assessment instruments
* Instructions for using test results to develop treatment and case plans
* WISC-III, WAIS-III, WMS III, Halstead-Reitan, Luria Nebraska, and additional tests organized according to various functional domains
* Principles, guidelines, and examples of how to write problem-oriented, effective neuropsychological reports

Praise for Gary Groth-Marnat's Handbook of Psychological Assessment, Third Edition "A commendable volume in which the author condenses information, normally in several locations, into one reading." -Contemporary Psychology "The general purpose of this handbook is to provide a reference and instructional guide for professionals and students who are conducting psychological assessments. This purpose has been splendidly realized by Groth-Marnat, who has combined current scientific and clinical understanding and clear writing with an excellent sense of organization." -Psychology

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- 236 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.8 G395t 2005

Troubles psychomoteurs chez l'enfant ; Tests neuropsychologiques ; Performance psychomotrice

Le développement de la capacité à agir et à se déplacer ne nécessite habituellement aucun entraînement spécifique. Le développement moteur émerge de l'interaction avec l'environnement qui exerce des contraintes mais offre également des modèles pour l'apprentissage par imitation. Notre capacité à appliquer les principes de coordination à de nouvelles habiletés motrices nous ouvre un vaste champ de possibilités. Il est important de noter que certaines habiletés motrices, telles que l'écriture, nécessitent, elles, un apprentissage et un entraînement spécifiques. Chez certains enfants, cependant, les habiletés motrices ne se développent pas de façon appropriée. Ces enfants éprouvent des difficultés dans l'apprentissage des habiletés motrices et sont maladroits dans leur mise en oeuvre. Il en résulte un retard du développement moteur. Pour nombre de ces enfants, aucune étiologie d'ordre médical ou neurologique ne peut être trouvée. Ils sont diagnostiqués comme atteints d'un trouble de l'acquisition de la coordination (TAC). Les enfants atteints de TAC sont l'objet de ce livre. Ce trouble est désigné sous diverses appellations telles que la maladresse, la dyspraxie ou difficultés d'intégration sensori-motrice. Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d'informer le lecteur, qu'il soit soignant, chercheur, enseignant ou parent, des derniers acquis de la recherche portant sur le TAC. Il passe en revue les difficultés rendontrées par l'enfant souffrant d'un TAC (Geuze), les principaux tests disponibles dans le domaine des fonctions perceptivo-motrices (Albaret & Castelneau), les différents sous-types et la comorbidité (Visser), les déficits sous-jacents au TAC (Wilson & Butson), les principales approches thérapeutiques et leur efficacité (Polatajko & Cantin), et enfin, la prise en charge du TAC (Sugden).
Ce livre souhaite favoriser la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques actuelles ainsi que l'utilisation des outils appropriés pour le diagnostic, l'évaluation et le traitement du TAC. L'objectif ultime est le développement optimal, non limité au seul développement moteur, de l'enfant atteint d'un TAC, ce qui constitue une gageure pour les parents, les enseignants et les professionnels concernés.

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- xvi, 369 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 460 N876n 2011

Psychanalyse ; Tests neuropsychologiques ; Neuropsychiatrie - Méthodologie ; Conscience

Is the Ego nothing but our brain? Are our mental and psychological states nothing but neuronal states of our brain? Though Sigmund Freud rejected a neuroscientific foundation for psychoanalysis, recent knowledge in neuroscience has provided novel insights into the brain and its neuronal mechanisms. This has also shed light on how the brain itself contributes to the differentiation between neuronal and psychological states.

In Neuropsychoanalysis in Practice , Georg Northoff discusses the various neuronal mechanisms that may enable the transformation of neuronal into psychological states, looking at how these processes are altered in psychiatric disorders like depression and schizophrenia. He focuses specifically on how the brain is organized and how this organization enables the brain to differentiate between neuronal and psychodynamic states, that is, the brain and the psyche. This leads him to discuss not only empirical issues but also conceptual problems, for instance, the concept of the brain. Neuropsychoanalysis in Practice applies these concepts and mechanisms to explain the various symptoms observed in psychiatric disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. In addition to the empirical issues, he also discusses various conceptual and methodological issues that are relevant in linking neuroscience and psychoanalysis, developing a novel transdisciplinary framework for linking neuroscience, psychoanalysis and philosophy.

This highly original new book will help foster new dialogues between neuroscience, psychoanalysis, and philosophy, and will be fascinating reading for anyone in these disciplines.

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- xvi, [10] p. de pl., 742 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 141 N494 2009

Maladies mentales - Diagnostic ; Système nerveux - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Tests neuropsychologiques

This is a major revision of a standard reference work for neuropsychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists. About one-half of the book contains entirely new work by new contributors. New topics not covered in the previous editions include consideration of common sources of neurocognitive morbidity, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and exposure to heavy metals; psychiatric and behavioral disorders associated wtih traumatic brain injury; neuropsychology in relation to everyday functioning; the effects of cognitive impairment on driving skills, and adherence to medical treatments.

The Third Edition aims to reflect the enormous developments in neuropsychology in terms of research, clinical applications, and growth of the discipline during the past decade. At one time focused on mapping the cognitive and related consequences of brain injuries, research in neuropsychology has now expanded to much broader considerations of the effects of systemic disease, infection, medications, and inflammatory processes on neurocognition and emotion. The Third Edition attemtps to capture these developments while continuing to adhere to the objective of presenting them in a concise manner in a single volume.

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- xxv, 1161 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 145.5.N4 L686n 2012

Tests neuropsychologiques

Now in its Fifth Edition, Neuropsychological Assessment reviews the major neurobehavioral disorders associated with brain dysfunction and injury. This is the 35th anniversary of the landmark first edition. As with previous editions, this edition provides a comprehensive coverage of the field of adult clinical neuropsychology in a single source. By virtue of the authors' clinical and research specializations, this book provides a broad-based and in-depth coverage of current neuroscience research and clinical neuropsychology practice. While the new edition is updated to include new features and topics, it remains true to the highly-regarded previous editions. Methods for obtaining optimum data are given in the form of hypothesis-testing techniques, clinical tips, and clinical examples. In the seven years since the previous edition, many advancements have been made in techniques for examining brain function and in our knowledge about brain-behavior relationships. For example, a surge of functional imaging data has emerged and new structural imaging techniques have provided exquisite detail about brain structure. For the first time, this edition includes examples of these advancements, many in stunning color. This edition also includes new tools for clinicians such as a neuroimaging primer and a comparison table of the neuropsychological features of progressive dementias. The chapters on assessment procedures include discussion of issues related to test selection and reviews of recently published as well as older test batteries used in general neuropsychological assessment, plus newly developed batteries for specific issues.

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- ix, 208 p. : ill. + 1 carte de référence
Cote : WL 141 M549 2000

Examen de l'état mental ; Troubles mentaux organiques - Diagnostic ; Examen neurologique ; Délire ; Système nerveux - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Tests neuropsychologiques

• Simplified explanation of exam procedures such as assessment of level of consciousness, language acuity, memory, and attention
• Pocket card summarizes the main points to remember in assessing mental status in limited patient-contact time
• DSM-IV diagnostic criteria are covered to ease filling out insurance forms
• Findings about cognition and testing a patient's mental function
• Covers the refinement of testing procedures and the psychological test battery to speed up the exam
• Presents age-related norms, important when assessing the elderly for early dementia
• Reviews ways to use the exam as a screening procedure, particularly when diagnosing dementia and differentiating between organic and functional disorders

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