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Documents Études transculturelles 3 résultats

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- viii, 190 p.
Cote : WS 350 T583p 2002

Enfants - Psychiatrie ; Psychopharmacologie pédiatrique ; Études transculturelles

Currently, it is common practice among the child psychiatric establishment to prescribe powerful and potentially addictive drugs to children who have emotional or behavioural problems. Pathological Child Psychiatry and the Medicalization of Childhood is a strong challenge to this way of thinking.

Sami Timimi uses a wide variety of sources that shape our understanding including his personal experiences to highlight the role of culture, beliefs, science, social hierarchy and power, in shaping our understanding of childhood problems and how to deal with them. He urges professionals who work with children to question their assumptions in a manner that will enable them to access a greater variety of potentially helpful therapeutic frameworks.

Since the 1960s, psychiatry has had to learn to accommodate critical analysis of its beliefs and methods. The legitimacy of its core assumptions continues to be questioned. Now child psychiatry too must engage with such a debate, if it wishes to develop into a genuinely democratic and inclusive profession. Pathological Child Psychiatry and the Medicalization of Childhood will be of great interest to professionals and trainees in psychiatry and child psychiatry, social work, family therapy and other psychotherapies for children and adolescents.

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- xi, 294 p.
Cote : WM 31 B337p 2009

Ethnopsychiatrie ; Études transculturelles ; Psychopathologie

On évalue à 20 millions le nombre de réfugiés dans le monde, chiffre auquel il faut ajouter 30 millions de personnes déplacées dans leurs propres pays, 80 millions de migrants, soit au total 2% de la population mondiale.
Aujourd'hui, chaque praticien est amené à rencontrer des migrants et des enfants de migrants, et nombreux sont ceux qui partent exercer à l'étranger. Cet ouvrage qui reprend et complète des travaux publiés sous l'égide du Congrès de psychiatrie et de neurologie de langue française, synthétise les problématiques actuelles, dans une optique théorique et pratique, afin de répondre aux questions que peuvent se poser les praticiens. Il aborde les différentes approches en psychopathologie transculturelle, les effets de la migration et de l'exil, la question de l'évaluation clinique, celle des tests psychologiques et certains aspects de la psychopathologie aux différents âges de la vie (de la périnatalité à la vieillesse), avant de donner quelques éléments pour la recherche.
Loin de tout universalisme rigide, de tout relativisme absolu et de toute fascination pour « l'exotisme », cette contrainte à penser l'altérité des patients est créatrice d'idées, de sens, de métissages… et de nouvelles pratiques de soins.

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- xxviii, 519 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 170 U55 2007

État de stress post-traumatique ; Études transculturelles

This book analyzes the individual and collective experience of and response to trauma from a wide range of perspectives including basic neuroscience, clinical science, and cultural anthropology. Each perspective presents critical and creative challenges to the other. The first section reviews the effects of early life stress on the development of neural systems and vulnerability to persistent effects of trauma. The second section of the book reviews a wide range of clinical approaches to the treatment of the effects of trauma. The final section of the book presents cultural analyses of personal, social, and political responses to massive trauma and genocidal events in a variety of societies. This work goes well beyond the neurobiological models of conditioned fear and clinical syndrome of post-traumatic stress disorder to examine how massive traumatic events affect the whole fabric of a society, calling forth collective responses of resilience and moral transformation.

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