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Documents Chirurgiens - Espagne - Biographies 4 résultats

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- xv, 319 p.
Cote : WZ 100 A418s 1971
L'exemplaire de la bibliothèque contient des soulignements à l'encre et à la mine.

Bethune, Norman, 1890-1939 ; Chirurgiens - Canada - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Chine - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Espagne - Biographies

"Bethune was a unique Canadian, a unique human being, shaped by both his country and the contemporary world. He was truly a neo-Renaissance figure driven by the necessity to experience and enrich all of life," say the authors, in their introduction to the revised edition of the Scalpel, the Sword. Certainly there could be no more timely moment for the re-publishing of Bethune's exceptional story. We live in an era sadly lacking in human beings of truly heroic stature - and he was such a man. First winning international fames as a thoracic surgeon, he went on to become a great humanitarian whose renown spanned the world today, his name is still celebrated by millions of Chinese and Asians, by veterans of the Spanish Civil War, by medical men in all parts of the world, and by people of goodwill everywhere. This brilliant and moving account of his extraordinary lifetime was first published in 1952, and has since been translated into nineteen languages. The present edition includes both a new introduction and a new epilogue.

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- 170 p.
Cote : WZ 100 C613n.F 2009
Traduit de l'anglais (Canada)

Bethune, Norman, 1890-1939 ; Chirurgiens - Canada - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Chine - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Espagne - Biographies

Il a le statut de héros en Chine, pourtant c'est en Ontario que Norman Bethune est né, et c'est à Montréal qu'il pratiquait la médecine quand il s'embarqua pour aller soutenir les républicains dans la guerre civile espagnole. En plus d'apporter une contribution majeure à la médecine de guerre, il fut un activiste infatigable, aussi bien chez lui qu'à l'étranger, qui donna sa vie pour les causes auxquelles il croyait. Figure clé de l'accession du Canada et du Qébec à la modernité, Norman Bethune était un homme complexe, contradictoire, dont la vie et les amours étaient plus grandes que nature.

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- 462 p. : ill.
Cote : WZ 100 B562p.F 2006
Trad. de : The politics of passion : Norman Bethune's writing and art.
Édition présentée et annotée par Larry Hannant

Chirurgiens - Canada - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Chine - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Espagne - Biographies ; Bethune, Norman, 1890-1939

Médecin, artiste et authentique révolutionnaire, cet infatigable aventurier que fut Norman Bethune (1890-1939) échappa de peu aux tentacules de la tuberculose avant de mener une brillante croisade contre cette terrible maladie. Chez ce médecin rescapé de la mort, la pratique d'une médecine juste et honnête ne pouvait se détacher des questions politiques, économiques et sociales. Tout en se passionnant pour des amours tumultueux autant que pour les arts, Bethune s'engagea à fond dans une lutte à finir contre le fascisme. En 1936, il se rendit dans une Espagne déchirée par la guerre civile afin d'y mettre sur pied, au bénéfice des Républicains, un service de transfusion sanguine mobile. En 1938, il traversa encore les océans afin de se rendre en Chine, alors sous occupation japonaise, où il aida les troupes communistes à repousser l'envahisseur et à établir leur autorité. Il créa alors des blocs opératoires mobiles sur le front. Décédé à la suite d'une septicémie contractée en opérant un soldat, il devint à titre posthume un héros de la Révolution chinoise. À ce jour, sa vie a fait l'objet d'une multitude de livres et d'études, ainsi que d'adaptations musicales et cinématographiques. Il est certainement aujourd'hui l'un des Canadiens les plus connus et admirés dans le monde.

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- xiii, 210 p.,16 p. de pl. : ill., portr.
Cote : WZ 100 S851b 1973

Bethune, Norman, 1890-1939 ; Chirurgiens - Canada - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Chine - Biographies ; Chirurgiens - Espagne - Biographies

Norman Bethune's name is among the most famous and admired in the world, yet he is little known in his native land. Hundreds of millions of Chinese know a legend of an amazing Canadian doctor who gave his life for their revolution, but the complete story of his life has never been told before.
Bethune was born and educated in Ontario, and in the 1930's became a distinguished thoracic surgeon in Montreal. Despite his success, he was lonely and unhappy in both his marriage and medical career. His ideals and attitudes, far different from most Canadians of his day, and his shifting ambitions and odd personal behaviour, drove him away from his colleagues, from his native land and from the woman who loved him longest, Frances Penney.
He went to Spain in 1936 to fight fascism, returned to Canada briefly on a fund-raising tour, then set out for China to help Mao Tse-tung. He was soon recognized as a valued ally of Mao, and an inspiration to the famous Eighth Route Army. On his death in China in 1939, he became one of the authentic heroes of the Chinese Revolution.
For four years Roderick Stewart has researched this astonishing life, and recounts it with many direct quotes from Bethune himself and those who knew him best. Most of what has been written or filmed about Bethune has concentrated on his heroism and self-sacrifice. Stewart goes far beyond the legend and describes Bethune as completely as four years of scrupulous research allow.
Bethune was a fascinating, obnoxious, attractive man, with highly erratic ambitions and personal oddities that offended many people. He also meant, for millions of people whom he had never known, inspiration, healing, education, amusement, and finally, a heroic example.
Roderick Stewart has travelled through Canada, Sapin, the USA, China, England, and Mexico interviewing people who knew Bethune, and seeing places where he worked. Stewart teaches history at the University of Toronto Schools and lives in Markham, Ontario.

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