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Documents Appareil urogénital - Cancer 3 résultats

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- xx, 369 p. : ill.
Cote : Qz 266 I44g 2022

Organes génitaux femelles - Cancer ; Organes génitaux femelles - Tumeurs  ; Cancer chez la femme ; Sein - Cancer - Guides, manuels, etc. ; Appareil urogénital - Cancer

Le cancer est une maladie conséquente à un dérèglement des mécanismes de contrôle des mitoses. Elle est progressive, envahissante et capable de s'adapter à tout changement des conditions physiologiques. Actuellement, c'est ce potentiel physiopathologique à la base de l'immortalisation de la cellule cancéreuse qui est considéré comme la principale cause d'échecs des traitements et le motif principal des révisions régulières des protocoles thérapeutiques anti cancéreux. En effet, le présent ouvrage, est un résumé tiré des recommandations actuelles des principales organisations savantes oncologiques notamment, le NCCN (USA), ONCOBFC (FRANCE), OMS (WHO) et de plusieurs documentations sur la cancérologie auxquelles nous avons joint quelques adaptations basées sur notre expérience sur la manière d'administrer la chimiothérapie et de contrôler ses effets secondaires avec des moyens peu onéreux accessibles aux pays pauvres.

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Appareil urogénital - Maladies ; Appareil urogénital - Cancer

Genitourinary Pathology, by Drs. Ming Zhou and Cristina Magi-Galluzzi, a volume in the ; Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series, packs all of today's most essential information on genitourinary pathology into a compact, high-yield format! Well-organized and segmented by type of infectious organism, the book's pragmatic approach complemented by abundant full-color, high-quality photomicrographs and clinical photos, and at-a-glance tables makes it easy to access ; the information you need to quickly and accurately detect and identify molecular and genetic mechanisms of disease.

Easily review normal histology before examining abnormal findings so you can avoid false positives.

Gain a superb visual understanding of important histologic features with hundreds of full-color illustrations representing a wide variety of pathologic lesions.

Benefit from the same highly practical format as other titles in this series: consistent headings throughout, summary boxes for pathologic and clinical features, high quality photomicrographs and clinical photos, and a logical organization by type of infectious organism.
Avoid incorrect diagnoses with a separate section on artifacts and pitfalls that highlights common problems you may encounter.

Get up-to-date, comprehensive coverage of the field, including new renal cell carcinoma subtypes and intraductal carcinoma of the prostate; newer immunohistochemical and molecular markers; and updates to the Gleason Grading system for prostate cancer, Fuhrman Grading system for renal cell carcinoma, and TNM classification for GU malignancies.

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- xix, 812 p. : ill.
Cote : WJ 160 U78 2005

Appareil urogénital - Cancer ; Appareil urinaire - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Appareil urinaire - Traitement

This is the premier resource for urologic oncology. The cornerstone title in the field of urologic oncology, all of the information you need is written in a concise format by recognized experts. This edition includes expanded sections on laparascopy, the use of MR imaging to identify prostate tumors, and advances in brachytherapy all of which makes this book a must have for all urology practices.

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