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Documents Neurologie du développement 9 résultats

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- xvii, 358 p.
Cote : WS 340 J51t 2015

Psychobiologie du développement ; Neurologie du développement ; Adolescents - Psychologie ; Cerveau - Croissance

Dr. Frances E. Jensen is chair of the department of neurology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and an internationally known expert in neurology and the teenage brain. As a mother, teacher, researcher, clinician and frequent lecturer to parents and teens, she is in a unique position to explain to readers the mystery and magic of the teen brain. In The Teenage Brain, Dr. Jensen will bring to readers the new, sometimes astonishing findings that remain buried in academic journals. Along the way, she will explore a few myths about adolescent behaviour and offer pointers and practical suggestions on how to negotiate this difficult and dynamic life stage for parents, teachers and even teens themselves.
The Teenage Brain is one of the first books to focus exclusively on the mind development of adolescents and will dispel the many widespread misunderstandings about teenage brains. Samples of some of the most recent findings that will be discussed in the book include:
-Teens are better learners than adults because their brain cells more readily "build" memories than adults. But this special gift has a downside: their heightened adaptability can be hijacked by addiction, and the adolescent brain can become addicted more strongly and for a longer duration than the adult brain.
-Venus and Mars really emerge in adolescence. In fact, studies show that girls' brains are a full two years more mature than boys' brains in the mid-teens, possibly explaining differences seen in the classroom, as well as in their social behaviour.
-Contrary to popular opinion, adolescents may not be as resilient to the effects of drugs as we think they are. Recent experimental and human studies show that occasional use of marijuana, for instance, can cause lingering memory problems, even days after smoking, and that long-term use of pot impacts later adulthood IQ.
-Multi-tasking causes divided attention and has been shown to reduce learning ability in the teenage brain. Multi-tasking also has some addictive qualities, which may result in habitual short attention in teenagers.
-Emotionally stressful situations may impact the adolescent more than the adult: stress in these years can have permanent effects on mental health and has been reported to lead to higher risk of developing certain neuropsychiatric disorders, such as depression.

The book will present hard data intermingled with accessible and relatable anecdotes drawn from Dr. Jensen's experiences as a parent, clinician and public speaker. Finally, The Teenage Brain will offer practical suggestions for how parents, teens, schools and even the legal system can better deal with adolescents on their journey into adulthood.

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- xvii, 588 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 107 G624h 2011

Neurologie du développement ; Maladies génétiques chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie pédiatrique ; Troubles du développement

Recognized as the definitive reference in the field, this book addresses a broad range of biologically based disorders that affect children's learning and development. Leading authorities review the genetics of each disorder; its course and outcome; associated developmental, cognitive, and psychosocial challenges; and what clinicians and educators need to know about effective approaches to assessment and intervention. Coverage encompasses more frequently diagnosed learning and behavior problems with a genetic component as well as numerous lower-incidence neurodevelopmental disabilities. Illustrations include 12 color plates.

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- xii, 558 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 140 C568n 2003

Maladies mentales - Étiologie ; Schizophrénie - Physiopathologie ; Schizophrénie - Étiologie ; Neurologie du développement ; Psychopathologie

This volume presents a burgeoning perspective on the origins of psychopathology , one that focuses on the development of the human central nervous systems. The contemporary neurodevelopmental perspective assumes that mental dosorders result from etiologic factors that alter the normal course of brain development. Defined here in its broadest sense, neurodevelopmetn is process that begins at conception and extends throughout the lifespan. We now know that it is a complex process and that its course can be altered by a host of factors, ranging from inherited genetic liabilities to psychosocial stressors.
This book features the very best, cutting-edge thinking in the coverging fields of developmental window represented is broad, extending from the rpenatal period through adulthood, and the authors cover a broad range of etiologic factors and a spectrum of clinical disorders. Moreover, the contributors do not hesitate to use the opportunity to hypothesize about underlying mechanisms and to speculate on future research directions.

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- xiv, 290 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 385 J27n 2001

Épilepsie chez l'enfant ; Neuropsychologie clinique ; Neurologie pédiatrique ; Neurologie du développement

This book is devoted to the neuropsychological description of childhood epilepsy, a neurolo- cal condition that constitutes one of the most prevalent forms of chronic and disabling childhood illnesses. Indeed, one child out of 20 experiences one or more seizures before the age of 5, and one in a hundred develops epilepsy as a chronic disorder. Approximately half of these children with epilepsy display academic difficulties and/or behavioral disorders. Moreoever, it is now believed that a sizable proportion of children with learning disability suffer from undiagnosed epilepsy. While a great number of textbooks have been devoted to various medical aspects of chi- hood epilepsy (diagnosis, genetics, etiology, drug and surgical treatment, etc.), there have been no comprehensive accounts of the cognitive consequences of this condition. Advance of medical knowledge has shown that childhood epilepsy should not be considered as a single disorder but encompasses a whole range of different conditions that exhibit specific clinical EEG and outcome characteristics. It is not becoming apparent that these various clinical entities have different cognitive expression that yet need to be specified. The purpose of this book is to provide a complete up-to-date analysis of this multi-faceted pathology.

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- xvi, 336 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 350.6 F233t 2006

Enfants atteints de troubles du développement ; Neurologie du développement ; Troubles du développement chez l'enfant

Grounded in current best practices, this unique volume describes how to intervene effectively to promote the optimal health and functioning of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Leading scientist-practitioners discuss the psychosocial aspects of a range of acquired and congenital disorders and how they can be targeted in assessment and treatment. Presented are innovative approaches to managing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral challenges; enhancing participation in social activities and school; and facilitating family problem solving. Particular attention is given to ways that psychologists, health professionals, and educators can collaborate to meet children's changing rehabilitation needs over the course of development.

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- 207 p. : ill.
Cote : WS 340 G679e 2007

Neurologie du développement ; Système nerveux - Maladies - Diagnostic ; Neurologie pédiatrique ; Système nerveux - Croissance ; Troubles moteurs chez l'enfant - Diagnostic

Comment faire simple en neurologie clinique des premières années de la vie ? Les agressions périnatales surviennent sur un cerveau en voie de développement rapide. L'expression neurologique de ces pathologies est donc changeante, en particulier dans le domaine neuromoteur, au cours des deux premières années. Il faut donc des repères précis pour aider le clinicien à identifier les déviations possibles à chaque étape du développement. Pour ce faire, nous avions proposé dans une première édition publiée en 1998 un instrument unique applicable de la naissance à 6 ans, avec un répertoire technique, des instructions pour le codage, des réponses selon l'âge et une grille d'évaluation. Après 10 ans d'utilisation de cet instrument en recherche clinique, le contenu de cette deuxième édition s'est enrichi: - les résultats obtenus ont permis, à l'âge corrigé de 2 ans, d'identifier le spectrum des anomalies neuromotrices allant de la paralysie cérébrale incapacitante (IMOC) aux signes plus mineurs; - cette catégorisation a montré des corrélations significatives avec la fonction cérébrale évaluée tant à l'âge préscolaire qu'à l'âge scolaire. Les anomalies neurologiques, même mineures, servent de fil conducteur pour affirmer la nature organique de certains troubles de l'apprentissage. Cet instrument de dépistage permet la mise en place anticipée de stratégies d'intervention. Il se montre également de plus en plus utile dans l'évaluation des pratiques périnatales.

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- xiii, 221 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 188 S884s 2001

Troubles du sommeil chez l'enfant ; Neurologie du développement ; Neurophysiologie

Sleep disturbance is extremely common in the various disorders of development, be they physical or psychological in nature. It adds significantly to the burden of care but is a neglected topic and there is no single source of information to guide practice and management. In this book an international team of experts provides for the first time an integrated, comprehensive and up-to-date review of the nature and causes of sleep disorders, describing the special assessment and management considerations for each of the different developmental disorders. The book will be essential reading for all professionals working in the area of developmental disorders, and will also be of considerable interest to teachers, social workers and parents.

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- xi, 367 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 300 D155s 2010

Cerveau - Évolution ; Neurologie du développement ; Conscience

From one of the most significant neuroscientists at work today, a pathbreaking investigation of a question that has confounded philosophers, psychologists, and neuroscientists for centuries: how is consciousness created?

Antonio Damasio has spent the past thirty years studying and writing about how the brain operates, and his work has garnered acclaim for its singular melding of the scientific and the humanistic. In Self Comes to Mind, he goes against the long-standing idea that consciousness is somehow separate from the body, presenting compelling new scientific evidence that consciousness—what we think of as a mind with a self—is to begin with a biological process created by a living organism. Besides the three traditional perspectives used to study the mind (the introspective, the behavioral, and the neurological), Damasio introduces an evolutionary perspective that entails a radical change in the way the history of conscious minds is viewed and told. He also advances a radical hypothesis regarding the origins and varieties of feelings, which is central to his framework for the biological construction of consciousness: feelings are grounded in a near fusion of body and brain networks, and first emerge from the historically old and humble brain stem rather than from the modern cerebral cortex.

Damasio suggests that the brain's development of a human self becomes a challenge to nature's indifference and opens the way for the appearance of culture, a radical break in the course of evolution and the source of a new level of life regulation—sociocultural homeostasis. He leaves no doubt that the blueprint for the work-in-progress he calls sociocultural homeostasis is the genetically well-established basic homeostasis, the curator of value that has been present in simple life-forms for billions of years. Self Comes to Mind is a groundbreaking journey into the neurobiological foundations of mind and self.

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- x, 514 p.
Cote : WS 460 A239 2007

Adolescents - Psychopathologie ; Cerveau - Croissance ; Neurologie du développement

Recent advances in our understanding of the human brain suggest that adolescence is a unique period of development during which both environmental and genetic influences can leave a lasting impression. To advance the goal of integrating brain and prevention science, two areas of research which do not usually communicate with one another, the Annenberg Public Policy Center's Adolescent Risk Communication Institute held a conference with the purpose of producing an integrated volume on this interdisciplinary area. Presenters/chapter contributors were asked to address two questions: What neurodevelopmental processes in children and adolescents could be altered so that mental disorders might be prevented? And what interventions or life experiences might be able to introduce such changes? The book has a 5-part structure: biological and social universals in development; characteristics of brain and behavior in development; effects of early maltreatment and stress on brain development; effects of stress and other environmental influences during adolescence on brain development; and reversible orders of brain development. The twenty chapters include contributions from some of the most well-known researchers in the area.

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