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Documents Désensibilisation (Psychothérapie) 3 résultats

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- viii, 217 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 178 B258m 2022

Trouble panique - Traitement ; Désensibilisation (Psychothérapie) ; Autodéveloppement ; Angoisse

The fifth edition of Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic, Workbook, has been fully revised and updated to offer helpful, scientifically proven strategies and techniques for dealing with both panic disorder and agoraphobia. The program outlined is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and is organized by skill, with each chapter building on the one before it. The Workbook covers the importance of record-keeping and monitoring progress, as well as breathing techniques and thinking skills, with the main focus of the treatment involving the importance of learning how to face agoraphobic situations, and the often-frightening physical symptoms of panic, from an entirely new perspective. Self-assessment quizzes, homework exercises, and interactive forms allow clients to become active participants in their own treatment, and to learn to manage panic attacks, anxiety about panic, and avoidance of panic and agoraphobic situations.

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- xix, 297 p.
Cote : WS 350.6 W515i 2014

Désensibilisation (Psychothérapie) ; Thérapie familiale ; Attachement chez l'enfant ; Traumatisme psychique chez l'enfant ; Désensibilisation par le mouvement oculaire

Loss of a parent, separations, abuse, neglect, or a history of a difficult foster or orphanage experience can lead to profound emotional dysregulation and mistrust in children. Working with these children—many of whom have experienced multiple traumas and losses—can feel overwhelming. Clinicians must navigate complex case management decisions and referrals, address the needs of parents and schools, not to mention ameliorate the traumatic memories and severe behaviors that present in the kids.

But by working as a collaborative team, EMDR and family therapists can, together, strengthen the parent-child attachment bond and help to mend the early experiences that drive the child's behavior. This book, and its accompanying Parent Manual, are intended to serve as clear and practical treatment guides, presenting the philosophy and step-by-step protocols behind the Integrative Team Treatment approach, so both the family system issues and the child's traumatic past are effectively addressed. You need not be a center specializing in attachment trauma to implement this team model, nor must members of the team practice at the same location. With at least one fully-trained EMDR practitioners as part of the two-person team, any clinician can pair with another to implement this treatment approach, and heal children suffering from attachment trauma.

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- xxiv, 567 p.
Cote : WM 170 S529e.F 2007
Trad. de la 2e édition américaine de: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Désensibilisation par le mouvement oculaire ; Traumatisme psychique - Traitement ; État de stress post-traumatique - Traitement ; Désensibilisation (Psychothérapie) ; Oeil - Mouvements

Conçue par Francine Shapiro en 1987, la méthode EMDR est passée en vingt ans du statut de curiosité - qui pouvait penser que faire bouger les yeux permettrait de guérir les traumas - à celui de méthode unanimement reconnue comme efficace dans le traitement de l'état de stress post-traumatique.
Dans ce livre, enfin disponible en langue française, Francine Shapiro explique avec une clarté remarquable les bases de sa découverte fondamentale : il est possible de stimuler le processus de retraitement des souvenirs dysfonctionnels en mobilisant l'attention par des mécanismes physiques et en accompagnant les associations spontanées qui en découlent dans la mémoire. Véritable manuel pratique, cet ouvrage offre à tous les cliniciens : psychiatres, psychologues, psychothérapeutes, l'intégralité d'une découverte amenée à transformer durablement le champ des psychothérapies.

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