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Documents Soins centrés sur le patient 4 résultats

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- xvi, 239 p. : ill.
Cote : W 18 H131a.F 2022
Traduction de: By the beside of the patient. Lessons for the twenty-first-century physicians, 2016

Relations médecin-patient ; Médecine ; Soins médicaux - États-Unis ; Soins médicaux - Histoire ; Soins centrés sur le patient

Bien que ce livre contienne, pour le médecin du xxie siècle, de précieuses leçons qui portent à la réflexion, il présente aussi un intérêt majeur pour le patient lui-même. Dans cette perspective, donner comme recevoir des soins de santé de qualité dépend d'une relation médecin-patient fondée sur l'humanisme.

Si le récit de l'expérience professionnelle du Dr Hadler se passe en territoire américain, l'humanisme de celui-ci veut transcender les frontières en ajoutant aux valeurs morales de toute société humaine.

Il faut saluer le courage de l'auteur qui aborde des questions dérangeantes. Avec une ferme conviction et une grande éloquence, il multiplie ses efforts afin de mieux nous inciter à saisir l'importance de la relation médecin-patient dans le processus de guérison.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xvi, 502 pages : ill.)

Maladies chroniques ; Douleur chronique ; Infirmiers en soins palliatifs ; Soins en phase terminale ; Soins centrés sur le patient

With a steadily growing number of patients in the United States experiencing multiple chronic illnesses, palliative care should be integrated into the management of chronic conditions promoting a comprehensive approach to effective symptom management - boosting physical function and improved quality of life. This evolutionary change was prompted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, which expanded the discussion on patient access and requirements in the palliative care setting. Integration of Palliative Care in Chronic Conditions: An Interdisciplinary Approach will equip multidisciplinary teams with the resources necessary to provide patients and their families with the best possible care and management of multiple chronic conditions. Written in an easily accessible outline format, this comprehensive text explores pharmacologic interventions; advance care planning; and the physiology, symptoms, diagnostics, and interventions of various chronic conditions and malignancies. In addition, case studies highlight approaches to the care of individual patients with varying backgrounds and needs. Emphasizing the importance of selfcare, spiritual and religious support, compassion, goal setting, education, preparation, and communication in all areas of the palliative care realm, this book is an essential resource in guiding healthcare professionals in their mission of providing quality care to patients and their families.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- 199 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 220 W747c 2017

Démence ; Soins médicaux - Travail en équipe ; Aidants naturels ; Soins centrés sur le patient

Skills in caring for people with dementia are increasingly demanded of all health care practitioners as the numbers of diagnosed increase. Caring for People with Dementia presents Christine Brown Wilson's latest research into improving dementia care for both non-expert students and junior staff as well as more senior managers.

The text first guides the reader through the underpinning theory behind the different approaches to person centered and relationship centered care and provides case scenarios with a range of practical strategies staff and students have developed and implemented. It then presents the different levels of the organisational change using practical strategies adopting a person centered and relationship centered approach involving the person with dementia and their families.

This book will be indispensable reading for all nursing and healthcare students and practitioners who want to improve the quality of life for people with dementia.

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Personnes âgées - Psychologie ; Gérontopsychiatrie ; Soins centrés sur le patient

This reference brings together psychological perspectives and medical approaches among professionals in research, educational, and clinical capacities to demonstrate the value of incorporating psychological knowledge and insight into medical training and care of geriatric patients. With a multidisciplinary panel of expert authors, this unprecedented book includes direct physician-psychologist communication, a model, itself, for integrated healthcare. Contributors will include leading doctors of psychology with proven expertise in elder care, a medical school curricula and evaluation authority, medical professionals with expertise in patient-physician communication, including related assessment tool development, implementation, and evaluation, and leading geriatrician clinician educators.

Psychology and Geriatrics outlines a two-step path to integration: a) physicians become more sensitized and equipped with necessary psychological insight to effectively address psychological aspects of health, and b) collaborative efforts expand to include consultations with qualified psychologists to manage specific, non-biomedical, behavioral aspects of care.

• Illustrates where and how psychologists can assume a more integrated role in addressing the healthcare needs of an older and more discerning patient population
• Addresses decades-long barriers to integration, from both physician and psychologist perspectives, suggesting how they may finally be overcome and why the time is now
• Provides a direct response to medical education's added attention to psychological, behavioral, and social sciences

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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