
Date de publication

Documents Thase, Michael E. 1 résultats

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- xiv, 300 p. : ill. + 1 DVD
Cote : WM 425.5.C6 W951L 2006
Le DVD qui accompagne le livre comprend des vidéos illustrant différents exemples de thérapie cognitive : 1. Assessing symptoms of anxiety -- 2. Modifying automatic thoughts -- 3. Agenda setting -- 4. Psychoeducation on the CBT model -- 5. Psychoeducation on automatic thoughts -- 6. A mood shift -- 7. Guided discovery -- 8. Imagery -- 9. Generating rational alternatives -- 10. Examining the evidence -- 11. Cognitive Rehearsal -- 12. Activity scheduling -- 13. Graded task assignment -- 14. Breathing retraining -- 15. Exposure therapy - Constructing a hierarchy -- 16. In vivo exposure therapy -- 17. The downward arrow technique -- 18. Examining the evidence for schemas -- 19. Rehearsing a modified schema[-]
Le DVD qui accompagne le livre comprend des vidéos illustrant différents exemples de thérapie cognitive : 1. Assessing symptoms of anxiety -- 2. Modifying automatic thoughts -- 3. Agenda setting -- 4. Psychoeducation on the CBT model -- 5. Psychoeducation on automatic thoughts -- 6. A mood shift -- 7. Guided discovery -- 8. Imagery -- 9. Generating rational alternatives -- 10. Examining the evidence -- 11. Cognitive Rehearsal -- 12. Activity ...[+]

Thérapie cognitive

Through lavish use of video, tables and charts, learning exercises, troubleshooting examples, and practical tips for getting the most from treatment interventions, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is designed to help both students and practitioners master the core methods of this proven form of psychotherapy. This easy-to-use guidebook offers full explanations of the most effective behavioral methods; a program designed for achieving competency that covers both basic methods for patients with depression and anxiety and advanced techniques for patients with bipolar disorder, psychoses, and eating and personality disorders; an integrated cognitive-behavioral/biological/interpersonal model for treatment; and instructions on fully integrating CBT with psychopharmacological intervention, as well as formulation and treatment methods endorsed by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. Written by seasoned cognitive-behavior therapists who also demonstrate CBT methods on the accompanying DVD, Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An Illustrated Guide is indisputably the essential resource for students of multiple disciplines and practitioners who wish to learn the invaluable techniques of CBT.

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