
Date de publication

Documents Segalowitz, Sidney, J. 1 résultats

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- xxii, 461 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 103 S349d 2008

Psychobiologie du développement ; Psychophysiologie ; Enfants - Développement ; Enfants - Psychologie

Until now, individuals interested in measuring biological signals non-invasively from typically developing children had few places to turn to find an overview of theory, methods, measures, and applications related to psychophysiology recordings in children. This volume briefly surveys the primary methods of psychophysiology that have been applied to developmental psychology research, what they have accomplished, and where the future lies. It outlines the practical issues that active developmental psychophysiology laboratories encounter and some solutions to deal with them. Developmental psychophysiology holds the key to forming the interface between structure and function necessary for the growth of developmental psychology.

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