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Documents Équipements sanitaires - Finances 1 résultats

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Hôpitaux - Administration ; Hôpitaux - Finances ; Équipements sanitaires - Administration ; Équipements sanitaires - Finances

Financial management challenges are not confined to the CFO's office. Any manager in today's increasingly complex healthcare environment must have a solid grasp of finance fundamentals, and this book provides them. In straightforward language aimed at students and managers outside of finance, Introduction to the Financial Management of Healthcare Organizations covers a full range of topics. The first four sections-Financial Management, Operating Revenue, Working Capital, and Resource Allocation-start with core financial concepts, then delve into issues unique to the healthcare setting. Highlights include the tax status of healthcare organizations, third-party payers and payment methodologies, cost accounting and analysis, rate setting, strategic financial planning, and capital budgeting. A final section on healthcare reform analyzes important trends that will affect healthcare organizations in the future.

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