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Documents Shoenfeld, Yehuda 2 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (lx, 855 pages : ill.)

Autoanticorps ; Maladies auto-immunes

Autoimmune diseases are characterized by the occurrence of antibodies reacting with self-constituents of the body. The fully updated third edition of Autoantibodies is an in-depth review of the main autoantibodies identified up to now, with particular emphasis on those that display a diagnostic or prognostic clinical value.

The new edition covers recent scientific advances, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic technologies. Each chapter is focused on a single family of autoantibodies. This important reference contains historical notes, definitions, origins and sources of antigens recognized genetic associations, mediated pathogenic mechanisms, methods of detection, as well as clinical utility (disease prevalence and association, diagnostic value, sensitivity and specificity, prognostic value). This is an ideal reference for anyone involved in the field of autoimmune diseases.

• Presents all known, important autoantibodies in a single source, focusing on the antibodies needed for autoimmune disorder diagnosis
• Includes clinical applications for each autoantibody along with general information
• Organized by disease and disorder type, by autoantibody family, and completely cross-referenced

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Maladies auto-immunes ; Infection ; Immunologie

Autoimmune diseases are conditions where the immune system attacks the body organs instead of foreign invaders. This book deals with the various mechanisms by which infectious agents can trigger autoimmunity such as molecular mimicry and polyclonal activation. An overview is given with regard to bacteria, viruses, and parasites associated with autoimmunity, and a summary is given on classical autoimmune diseases and the infecting agents that can induce them.

• Includes completely updated and new chapters
• Brings the reader up to date and allows easy access to individual topics in one place
• Identifies infectious agents as pathogenic or protective in many autoimmune diseases

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