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Documents Régis, Catherine 1 résultats

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- xv, 342 pages : illustrations.
Cote : W 26.55.A7 H918 2024

Intelligence artificielle en médecine ; Robotique en médecine

Artificial intelligence (AI) permeates our lives in a growing number of ways. Relying solely on traditional, technology-driven approaches won't suffice to develop and deploy that technology in a way that truly enhances human experience. A new concept is desperately needed to reach that goal. That concept is Human-Centered AI (HCAI). With 23 captivating chapters, this book delves deep into the realm of HCAI. In Section 1, it demystifies HCAI, exploring cutting-edge trends and approaches in its study, including the moral landscape of Large Language Models. Section 2 looks at how HCAI is viewed in different institutions-like the justice system, health system, and higher education-and how it could affect them. It examines how crafting HCAI could lead to better work. Section 3 offers practical insights and successful strategies to transform HCAI from theory to reality, for example, studying how using regulatory sandboxes could ensure the development of age-appropriate AI for kids. Finally, decision-makers and practitioners provide invaluable perspectives throughout the book, showcasing the real-world significance of its articles beyond academia. Authored by experts from a variety of backgrounds, sectors, disciplines and countries, this engaging book offers a fascinating exploration of Human-Centered AI. Whether you're new to the subject or not, a decision-maker, a practitioner or simply a AI user, this book will help you gain a better understanding of HCAI's impact on our societies, and of why and how AI should really be developed and deployed in a human-centered future.

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