
Date de publication

Documents Perez, Carlos A. 1 résultats

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- vii, 224 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 360 P438m 2021

Santé - Ressources Internet ; Sclérose en plaques

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most prevalent non-traumatic, disabling neurologic condition among young adults worldwide. The diagnosis and management of MS is complicated, especially in the setting of a recent significant increase in the number of FDA-approved therapies, and access to neurological care, specifically to MS centers, is limited. The goal of this handbook is to present an updated and practical approach to the accurate diagnosis and effective management of MS, for both healthcare professionals and trainees, in hopes to improve patient outcomes. The material herein presented is meant to be an easily accessible resource for reference in both hospital and outpatient practice settings

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