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Documents Sclérose en plaques 7 résultats

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- viii, 200 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 360 F253 2023

Sclérose en plaques ; Fatigue

Fatigue is a major symptom in patients with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and is mainly responsible for unemployment, early retirement but also social withdrawal. This book combines reporting of actually existing scientific knowledge with guidance for clinical practice. As such the book helps health care professionals in all countries to better understand fatigue symptoms but also to help patients to better cope with them.

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- vii, 224 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 360 P438m 2021

Santé - Ressources Internet ; Sclérose en plaques

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most prevalent non-traumatic, disabling neurologic condition among young adults worldwide. The diagnosis and management of MS is complicated, especially in the setting of a recent significant increase in the number of FDA-approved therapies, and access to neurological care, specifically to MS centers, is limited. The goal of this handbook is to present an updated and practical approach to the accurate diagnosis and effective management of MS, for both healthcare professionals and trainees, in hopes to improve patient outcomes. The material herein presented is meant to be an easily accessible resource for reference in both hospital and outpatient practice settings

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- 1 ressource en ligne

Sclérose en plaques

Consultez notre sélection d'ouvrages et de ressources utiles pour en apprendre plus à propos de la sclérose en plaques ou de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique et de leurs traitements.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- xi, 240 p.
Cote : WL 360 F299m 2022

Sclérose en plaques ; Troubles mentaux organiques ; Troubles de la mémoire ; Troubles de la cognition ; Émotions et cognition ; Neuropsychologie clinique

Written in an immediate, accessible way, this book has a crossover appeal, making it of interest not only to neurologists, psychiatrists, neuropsychiatrists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, occupational therapists, and nurses but to people with MS and their caregivers, family, and friends.

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- 160 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 360 P214s 2011

Sclérose en plaques

Ce livre s'adresse à vous qui cherchez à comprendre ce qui vous arrive, ce qu'est la sclérose en plaques, d'où elle vient, comment elle se manifeste. Dans un langage simple et adapté, il explique comment le diagnostic est établi, quels traitements peuvent être proposés, quelles perspectives thérapeutiques offre la recherche et comment mieux vivre la maladie au quotidien. Écrit par le Dr Caroline Papeix, médecin neurologue, et fondé sur l'expérience des patients et de leur entourage, ce livre propose une représentation de la maladie la plus proche possible de la réalité. Il n'en néglige aucun aspect et expose tous les moyens à mettre en place pour soigner et favoriser l'espoir. Un livre de soutien pour mieux appréhender la sclérose en plaques.

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Cote : WL 360 P257n DVD 2014
Réunion scientifique départementale du 17 décembre 2014
Public cible : Personnel médical

Sclérose en plaques ; Sclérose en plaques - Traitement

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- xvii, [8] p. de pl., 752 p. : ill.
Cote : WL 360 M961 2011

Sclérose en plaques - Traitement ; Études cliniques - Méthodologie ; Imagerie par résonance magnétique ; Sclérose en plaques ; Évaluation des résultats (Soins médicaux)

This book comprehensively reviews the current state of clinical trial methods in multiple sclerosis treatment, providing investigators, sponsors and specialists with current knowledge of outcome measures and study designs for disease and symptom management. The status of the rapidly evolving field of disease-modifying drugs is presented, with emphasis on the most promising therapies currently being tested. Experts discuss disease and symptom management for MS subtypes, including neuromyelitis optica and pediatric MS. In addition, key scientific advances in MS pathology, genetics, immunology and epidemiology are presented. The fourth edition has been extensively revised, featuring more than 50% new material. All chapters have been substantially updated to provide current information on rapidly evolving topics and this volume contains 15 new chapters, reflecting the growth of the field in recent years. This book is an essential reference for practitioners caring for MS patients, investigators planning or conducting clinical trials, and clinical trial sponsors.

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