Working with children to heal interpersonal trauma: the power of play

Favoris Imprimer

Gil, Eliana

Guilford Press


xvi, 336 p. : ill.



Part one : The extent of the problem and its impact
1. Introduction -- 2. A review of current research on the incidence and prevalence of interpersonal childhood trauma -- 3. The role of healthy relational interactions in buffering the impact of childhood trauma -- 4. Children's self-initiated gradual exposure : the wonders of posttraumatic play and behavioral reenactments
Part two : clinical responses
5. Silent grieving in a world without words : a child witnesses his brother's murder -- 6. The owner of a broken heart : the cumulative trauma of syrgery and sexual abuse -- 7. A hero's journey : a boy who lost his parents and found himself -- 8. A tornado disrupts the wedding, to the relief of the unwilling bride : a girl's quest for healing after sexual abuse -- 9. Finding the treasure within : spontaneous storytelling and the sandplay journey of an emotionally despairing girl -- 10. Stitches are stronger than glue : a child directs the healing of her shattered heart -- 11. Manny's story : a soul ascending -- 12. I am an artist : a sexually traumatized girl's self-portraits in paint and Clay -- 13. The gift of time : helping to heal through long-term treatment involving complex trauma and cultural issues -- 14. This mommy has no milk : a neglected child's adaptation to loss and hunger -- 15. Play and the transformation of feeling : Niki's case

Featuring in-depth case presentations from master clinicians, this volume highlights the remarkable capacity of traumatized children to guide their own healing process. The book describes what posttraumatic play looks like and how it can foster resilience and coping. Demonstrated are applications of play, art, and other expressive therapies with children who have faced such overwhelming experiences as sexual abuse or chronic neglect. The contributors discuss ways to facilitate forms of expression that promote mastery and growth, as well as how to intervene when play becomes stuck in destructive patterns. They share effective strategies for engaging hard-to-reach children and building trusting therapeutic relationships.

Traumatisme psychique chez l'enfant

WS 350.4 G463w 2010


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Localisation
1 WS 350.4 G463w 2010 Bibliothèque Rivière-des-Prairies [disponible]